Monday, May 16, 2011


This is me checking out the Easter basket that Ant and Chris made for me.

You might not be able to tell but those are binder clips and lancets.  Hiding at the back are ninja bunnies.

In his excitement to reach his basket, Ant rolled over the couch and into the coffee table.  Those are frozen peas he's holding to the bump on his head.

The egg race is on.

I'm not really sure how he got up this high or what he was trying to do, but it is impressive, yes?

"MY eggs!"
"No, they're MY eggs!"

If I hadn't been busy taking pictures I might have noticed that he was stepping on the couch and I would have had a minor fit.

This one's good to show how Riley responds to any excitement.

Chris won, but a lot of the stuff in the eggs was for Ant anyway.

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