Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Mom and Marty went to Prague recently and saw an Alphonse Mucha exhibit.  They got me a puzzle.  Here's the start to this 1500 piece giant.

Here's my progress as of today.

I can't figure out how to turn this, but the right side is the bottom.
It's a good thing this puzzle isn't any bigger, huh?

It's so nice to have a puzzle and a giant non-school related book going at the same time.  I started both because I'm only taking ceramics this term.  I'll have about a month of no homework, then I'll have an English class, a short break, and then my 5 class fall semester.

We finally started playing with clay today.  The teacher lectured for two days and half of today.  Then he assigned our first project: a self portrait.  Riiiiiiiiiggghht.  Nice of you to start us off on something easy.  How about a pot?  A bowl?  Jesus.

Thankfully he said we don't have to make a literal self portrait so I immediately tried to figure out how to incorporate the only idea I've had so far- seeing what Riley would look like as an exaggerated form- with a sheep body, goat legs and beard, bat ears and whatever else I can think of.  Yes, this is a stretch but my artistic argument is that I didn't want the self portrait to be literal so I tried to make everything else literal.  So I'm imagining a short brick wall almost closed around my little Riley girl.  Yeah, I don't know.  Why couldn't we just make a pot?

Yeah, I don't know how this is going to work either, but so far I've learned that Ceramics seems to be mostly a celebration of weirdness so as long as I make it weird it should work.

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