Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The White Tree (of Gondor)

My coworker lent me one of her trees!  I should have taken the small pink one.  Sheesh.  I forgot what these things are like to put together.  Or rather, I forgot that I never had to participate in actually putting the tree together.  I just put ornaments on it.  This was such an ordeal that if it hadn't already involved hauling the box up the stairs, I might have given up on it.  I put the middle section on the bottom first, and marveled at how wide it was.  Imagine my consternation when I realized that wasn't the bottom.  That's when I called Tracy and Mom in a panic.  They both immediately knew exactly where the tree had to go, and made some helpful suggestions about how to decorate it.  Only SOME helpful suggestions, because somebody's been watching too much Martha Stewart.  But the tree is up, pre-lit, and post-decorated.  It's resting on furniture sliders because I had to drag it across the living room and I was afraid I'd set the carpet on fire.  That sucker is heavy.  The sliders come in handy when I need to close the blinds, so I'm leaving them there.  Tracy wins Christmas for her tree skirt this year- mine will not be nearly as clever.  When she posts a picture of what she's doing, I'll post it here so you can see.
Why does the urge to write so often strike late at night when I'm supposed to be getting ready for my real job?  Shouldn't this be my real job?
I'm glad I got a tree.  I'm glad I was able to borrow one, I'm glad my friend has a Christmas tree addiction, and I'm glad she was willing to haul one into work for me.  I'm also glad it fit in my car, because I thought my back seats folded down to make a hole into the trunk and found out that they either don't or I have forgotten how.  I'm also glad her fiancĂ© remembered that the green one was 9 feet tall before she brought it in.  This tree is the perfect height, and it is lovely.
I did only have eight ornaments, but then I found the box that Chris brought me.  I have a good start there.  I also have a ton of icicles all over the tree, not that you can tell.  I didn't want to buy any Christmas stuff, but I may have to hit the dollar store to find something ridiculous to put on top.
Oh- and Dad will be here right after Christmas.  Perfect time to sit and admire the tree for a couple days before he gets to help me dismantle it, pack it back into the box, and get it into my car.
I'm suffering from face-splitting yawns and Solo is trying to sleep with her face in my hand

so I need to go take the dogs out and get to bed.  Goodnight!


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunday Night Ramble Tamble

It has been an evening of purging and cleaning.  The dogs are chowing down on their kibble and steamed broccoli, and I am feeling capable.  I am looking around at all this stuff and wondering what I am going to do with it.  I am mentally sorting it into categories: Toss; Donate; Store; Bring; and Oh God, What The Hell Am I Going To Do With That.

I found my little pot of random puzzle pieces that have shown up over the years: wrong pieces that showed up in thrift store puzzles, pieces that did not make it back into the box.  I liked my little pot of puzzle pieces, but today my eyes fell on it with a different look.  I tried to throw them out, couldn't do it, so I glued them to the plain red cover of a journal I am about to start.  Ha.  Now, did I do my research on fabric and types of glue first?  Of course not.  At least I didn't use Elmer's, and I currently have the journal in a makeshift press.  Perhaps they'll all fall off anyway.  This journal is huge, so I think it's probably likely, considering that this last, reasonably slim journal has taken me five years to finish.  Well, maybe I'll have a lot more to write about now.

I hate feeling like there is so much to do and never having enough time to do it.  I'm going to chalk a lot of that up to Netflix and Blockbuster.  Last night I made banana muffins; tonight I'm going to make tons of little meatballs.  I filed/recycled a lot of paper.  I had lunch with a friend.  Thanks to the snowstorm Friday night, I am trapped by the ice on the roads when the sun goes down.  I need no more financial obligations, as we've already established.  I didn't get to run around as much as I would have liked today, so I am going to try to get a day off this week.  I want to have my Christmas stuff in the mail ASAP.

And speaking of Christmas... Dad's coming up the weekend after, which is nice.  We'll celebrate Christmas then, and I am looking forward to spending Christmas Day doing only things I enjoy.  But I got a little revved up, thinking of decorating for Christmas this year.  I recently saw a bin marked Christmas in my storage shed and got all excited, thinking maybe I'd brought some stuff from the house after all.  Sadly, no.  There are a few ornaments I received last year and some gift wrap.  I'm going to ask my coworker if I can borrow one of her trees, as she said she has a tree-buying problem.  There's no sense in buying anything that I'll just have to get rid of or store.

Ok, I'm going to get back to cleaning and throwing shit out, before I get all melancholy over here.  Counting Crows are not helping.  Onto Creedence and getting that kitchen clean.  Down the road I go.