Wednesday, May 28, 2014


We ate a tasty breakfast at Squeeze In, where Shannon had too many options to choose from.

We got a late start today, since we were up until 3 talking. Today was a little bit of catch up and conversation since I had to run to work and also wait at home for the maintenance guy to come fix my AC.

We ate an absurd amount of sushi for dinner and walked the dogs.

Tomorrow: Insanity.

Monday, May 26, 2014


I am sitting outside on my balcony enjoying the cool night air and thinking about good things. Also about things that are not quite sad, but just life things that are equally important in any good story.

My friend Lena met my pets this week, and she loved all my little girls, but had a special affection for Riley, as anyone with good sense would.

My cooling system is busted, which was not helpful on a day that was almost 90 degrees. I was super productive today, and Shannon will be here in a little over an hour. I will surely post lots of pictures of our adventures this week.

Solo is rubbing her tail in my face like she does anytime I sit down for more than five minutes. I am probably being eaten by mosquitoes right now, but I do not care.

I can't wait for the Shannonigans to begin!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Nothing left for creative titles

It's drunk and I'm late, ah ha ha ha ha ha.

My iPod just died or I would still be out swaying in the dark living room, singing along to the quietest songs I could find so as not to wake my neighbors.

It's been a busy... I don't want to know when or what my last blog post was. You know what, though? I am well. It's been late, full nights for a while and I was running out of momentum, but I am crash landing on a nice, soft bed of a three day weekend, followed by a visit from the best kind of friend, which is an old friend. Nine days off. One down, eight to go. My first day off was spent visiting friends and dogs at a fundraiser for the Humane Society. I met an Irish Wolfhound, and talking to his owner did not diminish my extreme desire to adopt one in the slightest. This dog is 200 pounds and eats only 3-4 cups of dog food a day! He was a love, and very attached to his owner. Sigh...

I took Riley with me, and she did great. We took lots of breaks in the shade, but she didn't snap at any dogs and invited lots of people to pet her. Many people went out of their way to tell me she was adorable.

The event was pretty busy, and I got a ton of brochures and freebies. We were walking along the sidewalk when Riley turned left and sat down directly in front of a booth handing out cookies. Lots of booths were giving out cookies, but this one was stocked solely with packages full of free cookie samples. That's my girl.

For the rest of my day, I spent it with some great company, had great eats, and a marvelous time.

That's all you're getting out of me.

I was up super late last night watching the first episode of Firefly on Netflix, and tonight is getting pretty late, so I am going to pass out now and wake up whenever the hell I feel like it.

Nice, nice, nice.