Saturday, March 1, 2014

Gummy bear purse

I am coming to the realization that I am never going to grow out of things like this.

A Saturday for Me

I'll be doing some rearranging and reorganizing today right after this blog... and a nap. Naps are nice. I like naps. My body is already leaning towards the couch pillows.

But I have a bunch of random things to tell you about and I will have a better nap if I am not trying to remember them all.

So I was watching a movie the other day and remembering something interesting about my parenting days. I used to yell about DVD menus and how some of them would show us too much of the movie. Ant apparently agreed, because he started yelling at DVD menus too. I wonder if he still does this, suspect that he does, and feel a bit devious and proud that he was able to inherit some things that were not genetic. He will be a product of me as well as Chris and Laurel.

And speaking of Ant... Ant's Aunt Britney sent me a message this morning and Chris did soon after, asking me if I had sent Ant money in a card. They have been dealing with him lying and wanted to check his story. I told them that the last time I gave him money was when Chris left, and I put his birthday gifts in a duffel bag with a card, and I put a $20 in the card. Apparently he JUST NOW opened the card. I cannot stop laughing. Don't feel bad for him. That whole bag zippered itself into one end that had a mesh pocket, and that's where I put everything. If he found the root beer gum and all the other stuff (which he called to thank me for), then he found the card. As Tracy put it, that was a "too cool to read the card" fail. It was also an "established habit of lying" fail. Poor kid is skilled at shooting himself in the foot, as I'm sure we all were.

Part of why I can't stop giggling is because it's much funnier from the outside. Dealing with kid nonsense every day is often not funny at all, and poor Britney has five Nixon men living in her house. It's entertaining, I'm sure, but also exhausting and, well... I don't have to deal with that anymore. I went from not wanting to have kids to having someone else's kid who became my kid back to just me and my four-legged kid. It is ridiculously quiet here when I stop making noise and there are still all those sad things about that, but there are some nice things too, like: I am not currently raising a teenager. I was perfectly happy to answer their question and move along with my day. And this happened while I was sitting at the counter at Peg's Glorified Ham & Eggs, just at the moment I was realizing that one serious benefit to being single is never having to wait to be seated at a restaurant. 9am on a Saturday? Come right on in, what would you like to drink? I was halfway through my meal before the turkeys that came in ahead of me were even seated. Ha.

After breakfast, I wandered through Marshall's without telling anybody where I was going. I actually found a new bra and a lovely recycled glass salt shaker, but no dice on new work clothes. I only saw one shirt that made me say, "Oooh!" and I didn't try it on because I could just hear Mom's argument. I did crack up, though, upon realizing that I am really into drab colors and shapeless clothes. Well, we're working on it.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Join me for a drink?

I'm here at Great Basin, celebrating my new job. It's a pain in the ass to write phone blogs, so this is short. I wanted to tell you now that I know it's official. I am the new Library Technician at the Reno VA hospital. I could have invited someone and I celebrated with a friend earlier this week, but for right now I'm good to sit and savor this, along with a killer aioli avocado patty melt. Cheers.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Feeling Positive

I just wanted to share my dream from last night. I dreamt that due to some foggy directions to a show,  I ended up at a renovated site and found a bunch of old books from the library. Some were pretty messed up, but most were intact some were very, very valuable. I picked up the most valuable one, and thought about selling it, but my conscience took over and I called the library. I spoke to their archaeologist (I was watching a show about the possible inspirations for the Indiana Jones character last night.) and she came right down to collect books. The library was so grateful to have the books that they let me keep one of the duplicates, and I was able to sell it for about $5000. I felt so much better about calling them. Even though I got less money, it was surprise money that came in clear conscience. The whole dream up to finding the books was uncomfortable, but doable- going out, being lost, interacting with strangers- but it worked out for the best. I found the show and hung out with new people and the best part of all is that I had a good dream for once- the night before an anxiety inducing event.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Night Before the Night Before Jitters

Part of it is blood sugar, but I'm up early this morning feeling anxiety about my interview on Monday. I got the call about this on Wednesday, and at first they were discussing Thursday, but Monday was the first available. I was telling my friend that Thursday didn't give me nearly enough time to agonize. I would have done it, of course, but I'm glad to have the time to prepare and today... well, yesterday, I found a shirt that I am much happier with to go with my interview pants.

I know that it will not be perfect. It will be partially messy and it will be fine. I was just watching The Italian Job the other day for what reason, I don't know. That is a terrible movie. But it reminded me that fine stands for Freaked out, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional. Well, the F changes depending on the source, but this is what best applies to me right now. So that's definitely true: I will be F.I.N.E

After much practice with my counselor, I understand that it will be hard and I will do it anyway. I will remind myself that everyone is nervous about interviews and this is never going to feel comfortable. Last night I was envious of my neighbor, whose blue TV glow reminded me that some people are currently relaxed and not having to prepare for anything. But there are plenty of those evenings. The next one for me will be Monday.