Saturday, February 2, 2013

Well, I'm not going to question that.

Jenny: "Should we do the ones against the neighbor's wall first?"

Jenea: "Why?"

Jenny: "They have a baby. What time do babies go to bed?"

Jenea: "Well, the important thing is the noise ordinance is 10pm, so they can fuckin' suck it."

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Naptime for everyone!

Holy cow. One item into today's to-do list and I've already got 80% of today's steps in, according to my pedometer. Of course, that was a TWO HOUR WALK. 

Jody texted me at 8, asking if I wanted to walk the hill. That has been on my list for weeks now, and it kept getting dusted with snow. Her son is only one, so it's a long walk for him to cut the corner of the hill, but short for us. I tried to take both her dogs with me to finish the loop, but Lucy ran after Jody the moment she figured out that Mom was headed in another direction. Snoopy was game, though, so the three of us finished the hill, then took Snoopy home. Now we're home and exhausted, and I'm restrategizing my afternoon. I gave Riley a little food, after which will come a nap, and I'm considering the same plan. There are chores to do to and errands to run, but currently I am zapped. Who the hell said that exercise in the morning was energizing? Sheesh.

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Ode to Poop Bags

Eight years after leaving the paper route, I am finally down the the last two bags. No longer will my action figure come with two bright yellow poop bags hanging from my back pocket- I will have to repurpose grocery bags that will be all bulky in my pockets and not nearly so easy to locate. No longer will they hang neatly from a plastic holder on a hanger in my hall closet- instead it will be a messy overstuffed bag. Goodbye, lovely yellow poop bags. We will miss you.

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Friday, February 1, 2013

The video is better than the movie.

Something compelled me to rent The Color of Money, but as it turns out, I could have just watched that Eric Clapton video for "It's In the Way That You Use It."

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Weeping Weenie

Wow, the way things go…

Last night I got a call from Chris letting me know that funds are on the way very soon and he is not forgetting about these bills or putting me on the backburner.  We were very cordial and after we hung up I cried, either out of relief, sadness, or both… or maybe I am just emotionally feeble.

Today I dragged myself into work early and got some more training done.  I was starting to reach maximum “Over it” mode when two things happened very close together.

Tracy sent me a link to an article about increased veteran suicides with the following note (and sorry if you didn’t want to share, but I’m already planning on sharing it with all my coworkers): “This made me think of you. When you start to feel unchallenged by your job, remember that your helpful, pleasant manner may brighten a veteran’s day.”

I cut that out and taped it to my computer screen.  What a succinct and poignant reminder!

If that wasn’t enough, an instant message popped up from one of the schedulers over in Specialty:


Her: I just wanted to say thank you for all your great work and clear call center notes!! You are fabulous and i appreciate it greatly :-)

Me: Wow, thanks! That really makes my day. :D

Her: No problem. I think when people are great they should be told so. And I see how hard you work considering I get a lot of call center notes. Just thought you would like to know that you are appreciated in this place!


Suddenly I have two really lovely notes that acknowledge what I’m doing and why it’s important.  I am appreciated and needed and I feel like crying again because I am that person now.  Smith’s is having a sale on Kleenex and I have coupons, so I guess I had better stock up now that I am an emotional weenie.  :D  That’s ok, there are worse things.

Wow.  Thanks, Tracy.  Perfect timing, really.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Maybe I could have done that goldfish puzzle with some great lighting, undisturbed on one of my eleven tables, but instead I made steady progress whenever I felt like it over the course of three evenings, during phone calls or Frasier episodes.

I talked to my coach tonight for this VA program. We're covering a lot of topics and sometimes I wonder if it's doing any good. I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere because I am so constantly up and down. My motivation and mood depends on the hour. Sometimes our talks find me down and pessimistic; sometimes I am cheerful.

Tonight I was telling him how I had been drawn to comfort food, but making myself eat veggies with it. It's not the plate method that they teach, but at least it's something. "This is the point," he said. "We're trying to find something that works for you." If lists work, great. If schedules don't, ok. If I can't stop the imaginary confrontations with deep breathing, but I can with sensory distractions, that's awesome.

He chuckled at my discovery of bagels and cream cheese and suggested trying to make those choices as healthy as possible: whole wheat bagels, low fat cream cheese. I said I thought I could apply this elsewhere: trying to envision a confrontation in which I can be less angry, or maybe while cleaning up I don't break out the crevice tool, but just run the vacuum. Maybe it's not perfect or what I intended, but it will work, and it will feel much better than no progress at all, and the crucial part of this is to make sure I am moving forward. So off to the thrift store with you, fish puzzle.

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Movie Night

I know why I didn’t get much done last night- I forgot to bring my super productive list home with me.  Plus I was in a poopy mood, so instead of being productive I watched The Company Men, a not terrible movie with Ben Affleck and lots of grizzly actors.  It was about the cause and effect of corporate downsizing, and pretty good despite a little bit of cliché.  It was acceptable cliché, feel-good cliché, except for the one depressing cliché.  One thing that made me insane was that Kevin Costner is pictured on the cover as if he is one of the suits, but he actually owns a construction business in the movie, and is a far more interesting character than any of the suits.  Continuity is more important, I guess.  It was a heart-warming movie about corporate downsizing, which is crazy, and the things that happen in this movie are not at all realistic, but movies are supposed to be an escape.  There’s enough depressing shit in real life, thank you.  I really loved the role of the wife who is always supportive and says the right things and never gets upset or stressed out that they have to sell their fancy house and her husband has to go work a construction job.  She is this perfect, thin, beautiful woman who remained tiny some ten years after giving birth to two children, does the grocery shopping with reusable bags in her Volvo, is the family accountant and counselor, and makes small, unchallenging suggestions to her husband that they will need to sell their house and his Porsche and when he hands her his last check of severance pay, she says, “What is this?” as if she doesn’t already know.  She suggests that they move in with his parents and never seems stressed or angry and when he apologizes for failing her, she tells him that not only has he never let her down, this situation has allowed them to spend so much more time together!  The two other wives showcased in this film are the money-obsessed harpy who gets cheated on and left for a woman at least 30 years too young for Tommy Lee Jones, and the heartless bitch who makes her husband leave every day and act like he’s going to work because she doesn’t want the neighbors to know that he lost his job.  That guy commits suicide.  It’s a charming movie, and clearly written by a male.  But I’m not done chewing on this perfect wife bullshit.  When he finds out that she stopped paying the club fees and gets kicked off the golf course, he goes to her job and rages at her, ignoring all her attempts to reason with him.  When she comes home from work, she apologizes and says she should have told him when she stopped paying the fees.  SURE.  Even though it doesn’t sound like it, I did like most of the movie, especially when Mr. Big Shot has to go work construction for a while for Mrs. Perfect Wife’s brother, who turns out to be a pretty awesome human being.

Ugh, do I want realism after all?  Maybe just something a little less chauvinistic, or some women characters that are not stereotypes of what men think women are or what they should be.  The other two wives were clearly written to be bitchy and out of touch, but this perfect wife seems way more like a fantasy that something based in reality.  I should write an essay on this movie.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

They work if you use them.

Things I don’t need right now:
Emails that offer “50+ Fun Gifts for Valentine’s Day!”

I did get up, I did get to work super early, I did earn some comp time to make up for all the sick leave that gets eaten up by appointments.  Maybe I’ll store up enough to finally get sick.  I hover near the edge, but have not yet fallen victim to the cold/flu season.  How’s that for a compromised immune system!  Forget about my crappy pancreas- I am invincible!  I’m over here shaking my fanny at the Influenza Gods, which is probably a bad idea.  Of course, I’ve always been oblivious about my health- maybe I have already been sick and just didn’t know it.
Last night I dreamt that I went on a trip and it was so last minute that I forgot to pack my contacts.  I brought my sunglasses, which are useless without the contacts.  Today I wore my contacts to work… and forgot my sunglasses.
This super strict to-do list is probably a good idea for weeknights.  Otherwise I get depressed and don’t do anything except eat cheese.  Wouldn’t it be neat if I charged through the week, scooping cat poop and taking out the recycle along the way, and got to the weekend to find a clean house and few obligations other than fun?  Speaking of which, I’ve got to finish reading that book and start my paper.  Let me add that to the list.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Two Tables

My smart, wonderful dog now ONLY uses the ottoman to get on or off my bed. I am so proud! I don't worry about her doing a face plant in the middle of the night or not quite making the jump, sliding off, and hurting herself.

And we play the cookie game nightly, which I find endlessly endearing and entertaining. And alliterative. Maybe I should have gone with always adorable and amusing. I've started incorporating some of the dog training and Miss Riley is happy to oblige for the potential of more cookies. The potential- not even the reward- is some powerful motivation.

Which makes me think about my own motivation. I need those lists. I decided to get to work early and thought about what I needed to do to make that happen and wrote my list. I didn't get everything done tonight that I had on my list, but there isn't much I love more than writing out a new list! Besides, I got a lot done that would not have happened otherwise. I've been thinking about those eleven tables and spending a little time on different projects, which sounds manic, but short bursts and a timer keep me working hard.

Let's see how tomorrow works out.

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Monday, January 28, 2013

Big Truck

See, sometimes you have to just find a more attainable goal.

I've been belly laughing over here at Frasier and now I'm cracking up over my last blog post. My neighbors must be thinking I'm even crazier than they thought, because I don't have the tv on anymore- just cackling by myself in silence. It's probably a bad thing to laugh that hard at your own jokes.

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Maybe Not

Hmm yes, I see your point.

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I have not deleted people from Facebook even when they post constant, nonsensical religious rants or stupid, thoughtless, or contradictory political comments.  I think of those comments as a way of reminding myself that people do not think the same way I do, and I’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who aligned with me on everything.  This doesn’t mean that we can’t be friends (or barely acquaintances online), or that I can’t support them when they have an exciting, funny, or sad moment in their lives.  Their presence and sometimes obnoxious posts remind me to think twice about what I post because I cannot assume that everyone agrees with me.  The smart people do, ha ha ha.
So here’s this thing that was placed on my desk today, intended to be a Monday funny ha-ha:

A public school teacher was arrested today at John F. Kennedy International airport as he attempted to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a compass, a slide-rule and a calculator. At a morning press conference, Attorney General Eric Holder said he believes the man is a member of the notorious Al-Gebra movement.
He did not identify the man, who has been charged by the FBI with carrying weapons of math destruction.
‘Al-Gebra is a problem for us,’ the Attorney General said. ‘They derive solutions by means and extremes, and sometimes go off on tangents in search of absolute values.’ They use secret code names like “X” and “Y” and refer to themselves as “unknowns” but we have determined that they belong to a common denominator of the axis of medieval with coordinates in every country. As the Greek philosopher Isosceles used to say, “There are 3 sides to every triangle.”
When asked to comment on the arrest, President Obama said, “If God had wanted us to have better weapons of math instruction, He would have given us more fingers and toes.”

That was cute up until the part that was clearly added, because it has absolutely nothing to do with anything except a political bias.  Now you’re pretending as if the crap you wrote is some integral part of the joke.  How presumptuous of you, asshole.
This is what makes me crazy about all these people on Facebook spouting nonsense: Why do you assume that everyone agrees with you?  Silence does not imply agreement.

But the wheels are turning...

Normally, it's a pretty busy day if I can knock out 60 calls before lunch.  Today, I decided to try to just burn through and see if I could do better.  I gave myself the completely unreasonable goal of 70 calls.  Keep in mind that this is just before lunch, not the whole day.  We're looking at 3 1/2 hours.  I got 71.  I'm over here feeling all proud of myself...  And how many will I get by the end of the day?  That number will likely be less impressive, because I will surely lose steam and start hating my job again.  But hey- I'm starting out well!

Yesterday, as you know, did not go that well.  I ended up giggling at Frasier, but feeling a little empty, like I'm missing some real projects.  Then I read an article in Mental Floss (that I cannot find online) about Sir Richard Francis Burton, who was this crazy adventurer and scholar (How do you master 20+ languages?) who snuck into Mecca, among many other interesting journeys. Lots of neat stuff there, but what really stood out to me was that later on in life, he set up 11 different tables in his study with different books and papers on each and would just move between them throughout the day to work on many projects at once.  It was a lightbulb moment.  If only I had space for 11 tables!

Maybe I don't have 11, but I do have 2.  Some projects I can't leave out because I have a cat.  She makes off with puzzle pieces and she'll try to eat any loose embroidery thread that I leave out.  Then I have to slowly pull it out of her mouth while she gags, hoping I'm not tying up an internal organs.  Stupid cat.  But I'm learning how to work with the way I am, and I am a piler, not a filer.  I need to see these things in order to go work on them.  And maybe I have to contain some things, but I need to put them out where I can see them.  How neat would it be to have 11 tables in a cat-free environment, but in the meantime I will try to make my tables more conducive to projects.  Let me get some of these little ones out of the way, let me get a computer and internet going, then let's see what kind of bigger projects I can get going.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Second dog training class and our instructor is on her honeymoon, so the main instructor is temporarily taking over. She came around to meet the dogs and kind of wilted at Riley.  "Awww, you're adorable!"  Well, look at her. She is adorable.

So Jenea invited me out last night to a casino/truck stop where she can drink cheaply. Casinos have managed to avoid the no smoking laws, and I could feel my first breath drag as I walked in the door. The next thing I saw was a guy on oxygen. Was he a smoker or has he just spent too many nights in casinos?

The bars were full, so we ate at the cafe first, then found two seats together at the bar with her favorite bartender, which was good, because no chair was empty all night. Last night was one of their big drawings. Locals are their bread and butter, so they announce the date of these drawings and if you don't make it to the announcer in two minutes after they call your name, you don't get the money. Keeps your ass on the casino floor.

Jenea always looks nice, even if we're going thrift store shopping, and she always dresses up to go out. When we were walking through the casino, some guy moved in front of her twice, trying to talk to her. She didn't even acknowledge him and we just walked past. When we sat down, I told her that I find it really unsettling when a guy a guy tries for a girl that is clearly out of his age range.

"Well, I'm dressed like a whore," Jenea explained.

I died.

Anyway, we had fun and made plans for some other fun things to do. I sang my way home until I got to the gate and realized that the place for my gate pass is probably not hanging on my key rack. I sat there looking at the buttons until someone turned in the driveway behind me and just drove in through the exit. Aha.

And then we get to today.

Woke up at six, because I'm trained now.

Went to pee, stepped in cat vomit. Cleaned up, went back to bed.

Woke up two hours later, didn't actually want to get up, so I laid in bed reading Facebook posts. Saw someone posted a picture of snow, looked outside. Immediately started getting a migraine.

Staggered into the kitchen, drank water and began a fruitless search for Tylenol.

Grabbed last night's clothes, plus my coat, which all reeked of smoke, carried them downstairs, head throbbing, found that someone was already doing laundry. Stepped on the jeans and coat sleeve on the way back upstairs, could not stop stepping on clothes, struggled upstairs.

Made biker breakfast, potatoes were mushy. Started to feel very sad.

Tried to figure out if two beers with food would really make me feel this bad. Realized it's probably the 3-4 hours in the casino smoke. Decided I can never feel like this again, may never see the inside of Western Village again.

Thought perhaps the snow would melt enough to walk the hill as planned, found that it was far too freezing outside without my warm coat. Smelled it to see if I could wear it, gagged.

Took the trash out on the way to walk Riley, found that some asshole smashed a beer glass behind my car, found one huge chunk of glass directly behind my tire. Wondered if I am extremely unpopular. Walked Riley, went back inside for broom and dustpan, and swept up the glass from a 15 foot diameter in the freezing wind, could not locate my hat.

Diet Coke break. Drove to Big Lots, looked at sad calendar options, bought Chicken Soup for the Soul instead of Yoga Cats.

Drove to Walmart, where I wept for humanity, then bought glucose tabs, grape tomatoes, and a Sunday paper.

Went home, did laundry, started preparation to bake rolls. And of course, homemade fresh baked rolls are heaven, but they are a lot of work. I started at 4 and immediately noticed that I could not knead in as much flour as usual. The dough did not rise much and I kept working through, hoping it would work out in the end. Of course, this is baking, not a movie, so it did not resolve itself and I just spend several hours wasting ingredients. Well, they are fresh baked, and they homemade. Hockey pucks, anyone?

I give up. Time for Frasier, leftovers, a bath, and bed. Maybe tomorrow will be a good day, because the Universe clearly thinks today is Monday.

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