Wednesday, April 24, 2019

More tennis lessons

Tennis was great! I'm not moving real fast and I promptly crashed, but it was really nice to be out there again, and these are beautiful courts. I set up a regular time and just like that incorporated some planned exercise into my life. And you know how much I like my life lessons from tennis, so here you go:

Take small steps
Maintain the right amount of distance
Keep your eye on the ball

In other tennis as it relates to life news, I learned that I once again wrote a completely untrue story to explain a gap and punish myself even though Brene Brown told me not to. It makes me think of another situation I'm not going to tell you about where I was telling my therapist what happened and stopped, saying "Hey, you'll be shocked to hear that I figured out a way to blame myself for this."

On a further related note, talking to my boss today, I confessed to dropping the ball on something and she was just not having my self-flagellation. She knew it couldn't be as bad as I thought, and it turns out there were legitimate reasons why I didn't see it (yet another thing I'm not telling, but this time because it's irrelevant- see, I'm learning) and we ended up deciding that you have to let go of the ball in order to juggle. Yeah, see I was just juggling. That's a better story.

What is a dividend?

I keep trying to find time to write just a daily recap and instead it ends up being 11:30 and I'm stressed because the next day has too much packed into it and I'm already starting with less sleep. It's too bad too, because these have been interesting days.

Today is my first tennis lesson in at least a year. It felt so good to put my shoes on. They creaked a lot and I'm not sure if that is out of protest. It will be a short lesson, which probably a good idea.

Today was also my class and I did a review of the math and then we played Jeopardy. It was a hard won battle and the winners received a tiny plastic treasure chest filled with money confetti to symbolize the dividend in a divison problem. It's one way to remember the term- to think of the bracket as a treasure chest and that's where your money goes. Maybe you had to be there.