Saturday, June 15, 2013

Shadows have got to faster than that

I was finishing up my last few chores when I noticed a moth hanging out on my wall. I caught him in a glass and moved him outside, closed and locked my door as usual, then went to wash out my trash can and recycle bin in the bathtub. I put those on my balcony to dry, sat down to check that off my list, and heard a suspiciously familiar little bark outside. I open the door, and there's Riley sitting on my doorstep, looking a little upset.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked her.

She danced inside, relieved and giving me kisses.

I can only imagine her following me right out the door to release the moth and the look on her little face when the door closed. But my good girl just stayed on the doorstep and waited to be let in.

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Saturday is good so far

I met a friend from the apprentice class this morning at her house and we walked to, then around Rancho San Rafael Park. It was a long walk, and very pretty through the marsh. I had never been on the path around the park. My friend's got a little boy Scottie dog- he and Riley got along fine. We talked a lot about things we wanted to learn and do, and when I listed crochet, she said she could teach me. When we got back to her house, she did. I crocheted today. We finished a dish towel project she'd been working on. I have hooks, I have yarn, I have a book, but I knew I would need to see it in person before I could figure out the diagrams. Now perhaps I can start my own project!

I stopped on the way home to eat and then took Riley to the vet. It's been two weeks, time to weigh her again and hope my efforts are working. On May 30th, she was 24.5. Today... 20.2! Yes! Now, that's a lot, I know, but that should be the most drastic change. I promise you that she is neither starving nor suffering. From here on out we'll be whittling it down. I am so proud! I needed some good news.

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

But let's replace the argument with music

Oh, one of my angry conversation nights. I'm so glad I live alone.

I got the Batman Forever soundtrack from Savers.  I used to have it and I adore that Tracey Thorn song with Massive Attack. It got destroyed shortly after I moved in with Chris and I just now got it back- for $2! Whose song is pulling me now? Brandy.

I'm taking it easy
Cleared my head
I've cried a river
Said some prayers

Yeah, there's more to it, but that's what fits most. I have got to remember to write on nights like this. Thanks for not telling me to stop writing about this, because it still hurts tremendously. I PRAY for karma even though I believe he's already suffering it. I remind myself that I am working hard and doing well, and try to cut myself some slack if I can't always clean the kitchen or if I have cheese and crackers for dinner. It's fine. It's fine and getting better.

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

But I don't WANNA go

If I don't go to Zumba tonight, I'll have to go tomorrow, and I don't know that choreography at all.

Tomorrow is the apprentice class. I finally wrote my outline, after stressing and worrying and having nightmares about mountain lions. Somewhere between then and now, I did a little mantra of it's just an outline, don't apologize for it, it will be fine. That seemed to work. I wrote it. We'll go from there.

I'm looking forward to not being at work tomorrow :D though there are some vets who wish I would be. I helped several people today- some on my own, some I enlisted the help of my boss or coworkers. They were very grateful, and it felt nice to be able to help. I like feeling useful and not so much like a broken record.

I've been watching the new windows creep their way towards my building (noise reduction project being paid for by the airport). New windows! I've been considering finding a dog door for the slider and building a cat enclosure so Solo could enjoy the outside. I am not a carpenter, but it just has to function- it doesn't have to look pretty. Besides, how awesome would that be?

I am ahead of schedule on my book reading resolution for 2013- how about that? I'm also in the middle of two other books, so I guess I can start watching some movies. Or... filling out forms and applications and getting all these cloying projects off my list.

This week I'll take Riley for another weigh-in, so keep your fingers crossed.

Last night I had to rewrite my wish list because the old one was full- and a lot was crossed off! I put the old list in my scrapbook. I started that when I moved in and add programs and tickets and cards- the significant things about being alone and all the support and the bravery. I went to this event alone, I bought nicer clothes, I am making progress.

Speaking of which, it's time to go to Zumba.

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cannot contain my glee

It was almost 100 something like all of last week- right up until the thunderstorm yesterday. Today it was supposed to be 84.

Riley would not poop this morning because she wanted to get back inside to her treat ball, which contained breakfast. (Mental note: don't put it down for her until AFTER the walk.) I hauled ass back home at lunch to take her out, because no one likes coming home to find poop on the floor. Well, Riley was NOT expecting me. She had clearly been sleeping, and her expression showed it. Her eyes were wide, ears back, and her mouth in a tiny, alarmed line. Eventually she said hi, but it was a much more subdued version of her 5:00 wiggle. I took her out, "Quick potty, Riley. Quick potty!" but she smelled every step on the way down and just flopped down on the sidewalk.

So I ushered her back inside and noticed how much nicer it was inside than outside, so I opened the windows. I came home to ahhhhhhhh. And no poop. Good dog.

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Monday, June 10, 2013

Change of plans... again

I Joined a Meetup group- the hiking one. They had a "leisurely" hike scheduled for this evening and I stopped debating, joined, and RSVP'd. It said dogs were welcome. This was it- there I go!

But it was still raining and the hike got canceled. Thwarted. Really? While I'm all busy being brave over here? What gives? What is the universe trying to tell me?

Perhaps you think this would be a great time to go to the gym, but let's not get too excited. I think I'll play some Wii and do some fake running and punch the snot out of some other poor Mii.

I couldn't take Riley for a walk because she is a delicate girl who will melt in the rain, so I hooked her leash to my belt while I puttered around and did chores. She thought she was being punished, but we got a good 45 minutes of obligatory movement in there.

Oh, and I keep forgetting to post this final picture of the puzzle Mom sent me- I know you've all been holding your breath. Don't you want these stamps now? I do.

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