Saturday, December 29, 2012

By the end of the day

...she was wrecked. We stopped at Lowe's and the dry cleaner's and the grocery store. Dad told me it was fine to bring her in- "After all, we're in Southern California." He didn't understand why I was so reluctant until later that day when we were packing the car and situating things. I was in the car and Dad and Riley were standing outside. He said dogs were coming so I asked him to hold her collar. She turns into a stubborn donkey when you do that, so he picked her up, which is not an easy task.

"Jesus, she is solid!"

Very. It's all cookie weight.

Later, Dad grilled pork chops and we watched The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, which was cute and reminded me that the point is not to cope with a new situation, but to thrive. Thank you, Dame Dench.

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By the end of the day

...she was wrecked. We stopped at Lowe's and the dry cleaner's and the grocery store. Dad told me it was fine to bring her in- "After all, we're in Southern California." He didn't understand why I was so reluctant until later that day when we were packing the car and situating things. I was in the car and Dad and Riley were standing outside. He said dogs were coming so I asked him to hold her collar. She turns into a stubborn donkey when you do that, so he picked her up, which is not an easy task.

"Jesus, she is solid!"

Very. It's all cookie weight.

Later, Dad grilled pork chops and we watched The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, which was cute and reminded me that the point is not to cope with a new situation, but to thrive. Thank you, Dame Dench.

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Car nap

On the way home, Riley just laid down in my arms and fell asleep.

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Poster size

Yesterday turned out to be the warmest day of my whole trip. The other days were a little rainy or dreary, so it really worked out well. It was beautiful out.

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Del Mar North Beach

I saw no dog fights or arguments, just dogs running into the surf after balls, happily circling ahead of their owners, meeting other dogs... and the people all had smiles on their faces because how could you not? This is the happiest place on earth.

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This one makes me laugh.

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Order yours today!

I may need to order prints and make an album out of this trip, not to mention coasters, calendars, and coffee mugs.

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Happy Girl

It's impossible to choose just one or even a few.

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Dog Beach

I have so many awesome pictures of Riley from yesterday

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Riley will have the Filet Mignon.

Tuesday: Eat, open presents, eat, nap.

Wednesday: Eat, walk Riley, eat, watch a movie, nap.

Thursday: Eat, walk Riley, meet Dad's friend Stella for lunch, eat, nap.

I'm going to get back home, hopefully have a day to recover, and when I go back to work, I'll make it until about 2:00, then nap. It's nice to be able to take some time to rest. I think our plan tonight is leftovers and a movie in our PJs.

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Riley falls out of bed every morning.

A friend mostly from Facebook asked- since I wasn't posting Ant updates- if she could assume I was single. She also said she hoped I was well and said she loved Riley.

That's a good thing, since that's most of what I post now.

Well, it's not easy to take self-portraits with this phone and besides, she is such a good subject. I'll try to work on it. Wouldn't want to be one of those people who never posts anything except stuff about their children.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012


The person who I would tell everything to is gone and I feel so lonely.

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So far

This was Christmas dinner. We had steak, twice-baked potatoes, green bean casserole, and nicely decorated gingerbread cookies. Ok, some more so than others.

I got a nice new tea kettle, sheets with a funky pattern, crazy jewelry, a shoe store gift card, a vase that I cannot describe and must take a picture of, some lounge-y pants and sweatshirt, snowflake pajamas, some new shirts, and a vacation with Riley. Dad and I opened presents and hung out, ate gingerbread and took naps.

Today we took Riley down to the beach and walked down a sidewalk along the ocean that was full of people, dogs, and interesting smells. Riley detected the scent of a squirrel and he was camping out in the sun in perfect stillness, confident of the fence's protection. Riley did not seem to see him, but she knew he was there. She met lots of dogs and got some exercise and lots of ocean air.

We dropped Riley at the house and went to catch Life of Pi. Excellent, interesting movie, and a neat one to see in the theater, though I'm not sure if 3D is really all that helpful. Now Dad is playing with his new shaker on his drums, and I've just finished my beer, so it's time to walk Riley around the block.

Well, I may need a gingerbread cookie first.

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Michael Phelps

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Well, that was fun.

Woke up, went outside, got two chewies from Pop, ate one, smelled all the presents, got two new toys from Pop, attacked one, fell asleep.

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Christmas morning

"Thanks, Pop!"

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...and no more pictures, but it was fun to try while juggling the camera and sometimes the dog while trying not to drive off the road and become part of the scenery. :D

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Four hours in

This is outside of Tonopah.

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Where the hell was this?

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Still at Walker Lake

The drive down 95 was gorgeous.

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Walker Lake

Like Pyramid Lake, this lake is huge, brilliant turquoise, and deserted.

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Pics from the drive

Coming up on Walker Lake

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We're here

Got in close to 1, I think. Went the long way to avoid the snow, since both routes were covered in chain restrictions. Riley just went downstairs to finish her dinner and even though we're both exhausted, she had to rub her face in her bed before she could get in it. Such a cutie... even if she was a total pest today. Jennyway, Merry Christmas and I'll see you in the morning! Well, later this morning.

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