Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Stupid serious classes...

My counselor informed me today that I am right where I am supposed to be in the college path.  I suppose that's sort of comforting but I think because I'm 32 that I ought to be light years ahead of all these slackers.  Not so, she says.  Maybe I should feel grateful not to be light years behind.

I feel lost in this proposal writing class, but who couldn't see that coming?  I absolutely hate it but unfortunately I need every bit of what it teaches.  I think the book will be a valuable possession after I graduate and as tempted as I am to drop the class and go take Children's Literature, I know this is probably the one marketable skill I will learn in college.  But I hear Children's Lit is a great class.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Watch what happens next time.

It feels lonely over here.  Are any of you reading this?  I have two followers.  I am a Leo, people.  I need followers.  BTW, my favorite horoscope guy swears that sign realignment thing was crap, but he would, wouldn't he?

I am supposed to be doing homework for tomorrow but I have been studying or in class all day long and now I am super duper pooper tired.  I can't think anymore.

I wanted to (temporarily distract myself and) tell you about this baffling thing that keeps happening at school.  I'll be leaving a room or a building and as I push the door open, I pause to hold the door for the person right behind me.  Standard operating procedure is for that person to hold the door as they walk through and pause for the person behind them.  Instead, they just walk right through without touching the door as if I am their personal doorman.  I'm sorry, what?  Sometimes it's different kinds of people but most often it's these little princesses.  Bitch, please.  It makes me wish the doors didn't have those retarding arms so I could just slam it on them.