Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Happy Almost Wednesday

Almost 14 years, and this dog has never once had matted fur... until two weeks in the cone of shame. I didn't dare take it off until it was time for it to go for good, because I didn't want to see her severely disappointed expression when I put it back on her. The vet said she is healing very well, and can have a bath now.

Sparky and I went to the duck race on Sunday, and I need to post a blog about that for you, but I am finally ready for bed at bedtime for once, so off I go.

Sunday, August 24, 2014


In other idiotic updates, I just realized that Riley can't scratch her ears.

She is not spazzing out much these days. Sparky was able to step right over her, which should sound insane to any of those of you who know her. I hope it's just cone related depression.

I haven't done much this weekend except hang out with Sparky and enjoy my birthday presents. It was nice to have a quiet weekend, now I'm ready for another. I did meet Jody yesterday for pizza, and we decided that the perfect work day would be 3 hours. I cannot understand why I am not in charge of these things yet.

I am experimenting with ways to prepare myself better for the work week, since nobody is offering me perpetual 3 day weekends. I bought small containers to prepare some grab-and-go lunch and breakfast options, plus I am also going to pre-fill some containers with morning pet food portions, just like pill boxes. Just trying to get my shit together. I miss movies and puzzles, so I'm going to try to accommodate them. I can juggle, right?

Speaking of which, I had better go get ready- we're going to help out at the duck race today.

She is a cat, dummy.

I was just about to post how the birds were being brave and Solo was not chasing them when she went charging out the door and damn near caught one.