Thursday, July 19, 2012

This is how band names are created.

I hear lots of interesting pronunciations and requests daily, but today I had trouble keeping my giggles contained when someone told me they wanted some "insulin apartheid."  What they meant was "Insulin, Aspart" as it reads on the med list.  I'm trying to figure out exactly what insulin apartheid would consist of.  A forced segregation between people based on pancreatic function?  Those with the sugah diabeetis are in power?  Desserts would all be tiny and served directly after meals!  Syringe disposal boxes in all public restrooms!  Diet Coke would be the default drink order!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Does this count as a movie blog?

We watched 21 Jump Street last night and as usual, I started dozing off about ¾ of the way through the movie.  I started having one of my driving dreams.  Sometimes have these really horrible dreams that I am driving my bed.  There is a steering wheel at the end of the bed near my pillow, and just low enough to where I have to be lying down to drive.  Here I am driving my bed down the highway and I just can’t pick my head up off the pillow.  It is such a panicky feeling, yet I lie there half asleep, unable to open my eyes and wondering why anyone would make a car out of a bed- how are you supposed to drive like that?
So I’m dreaming that I’m driving my bed and I’m backing up in a parking lot.  Suddenly there’s this huge loud bang and my heart drops through the floor because in all my years of driving my bed, I have never hit anything.  I wake up horrified and realize that there’s just a major shootout going on in the movie and I am not actually driving at all.  It took SO LONG for my heart rate to slow down.  How's that for a movie review?