Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ew, stitches!

I keep waking up in the middle of the night.  Garrrrrggghhh!

Monday was nice.  It was my first day back to school and I was pretty exhausted, but the day went pretty smoothly.  In Book Arts, my partner came right up to me with hunched shoulders so I knew my teacher had delivered my message.  He came to check on me too, which was nice.  I spent that class helping my partner set up for printing and learning how to run the press.

I had missed a planned group meeting for my proposal writing class, and I felt terrible about that.  As a contingency plan, they asked that we all write our own version of the draft and we'd use Monday to consolidate them.  When we met in class, my group was kind and concerned about the surgery, and neither of them had written a draft.  I felt redeemed that we would use my draft to work with.  Plus that meant they were obligated to even things up and do the parts that I was not looking forward to.  My job was to post everything online before class on Wednesday.  Whew!

I drove home so I could meet Ant.  He took the dogs out and then went to a friend's house.  I took a nap.

I went back to school for Art History.  I got my first exam back and was ecstatic to see that I got a B+.  That was without a curve.  Last semester I got a C on the first test and the curve brought it up to a B.  At the end of class when we signed in, I looked for the number 1 next to my name indicating my absence from the week before.  I really didn't want to miss that class because the grade is based on three tests and attendance, but I was just in no shape to go last week.  There was nothing next to my name.  Sometimes- rarely- he'll wave us out the door without having us sign in.  Could it be that I lucked out?

Yesterday we went to my follow-up appointment with the surgeon.  He explained the endometriosis more clearly and reiterated that if I had just the tubal ligation, I would have recovered much earlier.  Or, in his words, "It was supposed to be zap-zap.  Instead it was zap-zap-zap-zap-zap-zap-zap-zap-zap-zap."   That's why the surgery took much longer than expected and it really made me feel better about how long it took to recover, AND the endometriosis diagnosis explains and should fix symptoms I have been dealing with for years.  Nice!

I totally forgot to tell Chris about that part, so I felt like an asshole and I was glad he was there to hear the whole explanation.  The doctor went over what could happen in the future and what to look for as well as how to deal with leftover symptoms since they could only zap what they could see.

Okay, Con Air is almost over and I only have a little over an hour before I have to get up so I'm going to see if I can't go back to sleep now.  Tomorrow is another long day and so is Thursday, but then it's Friday and I'm free.  I've run out of sweatpants so I'll have to wear jeans today- let's hope that goes well. By the way, the stitches are dissolving and the end sticking out keeps getting longer.  The doctor said I would eventually be able to pull on it and it will just break off.  Gross.  I'll pass.  It will have to fall off on its own.  Ew, stitches!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Right where he's supposed to be.

I can't stop laughing.  It's a low, evil chuckle, but with a little empathy too.

I came home today and found a folder laying on the couch labeled "Anthony P".  I dug right in, eager to finally see some classwork.  No classwork, sadly, but it did contain an outdated schedule and several outdated announcements obviously intended for us.  Between the brads were five weekly progress reports. Two were signed by me, only... hey, wait a minute...

Aww, Ant's first forgery!

I said nothing.  I waited until past 10, when Ant was out cold and Chris and I were alone.  I handed him the folder and he said Ant brought it to him this afternoon and asked him to sign what must be the most recent progress report.  He couldn't tell because form was completely blank.  Chris told Ant he wasn't going to sign an empty form, so I guess that's where it ended.  I flipped through the other forms and waited.

"He forged your signature.  He forged your signature?"

I nodded and he grabbed the folder and got up.  I had to stop him from confronting Ant with the evidence out of a dead sleep!  As I got ready for bed I remembered the Roseanne episode where Darlene repaired her report card.  I told Chris to go through the folder with Ant tomorrow- ask him to explain the progress reports and what the check marks mean.  Make him sweat a little.  I bet he won't come clean if I'm not there.

Chris said he's going to explain what forgery is and why it's wrong.  I'm sure there will be more involved and he's going to have to tell his teacher.

This is a weird rite of passage- you have to get in trouble for this at least once in life, hopefully in childhood.  This is where the chuckling comes in.  Been there, done that, but we can't give him a free pass!  What a strange position to be in.  And here comes adolescence.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


We were getting ready to run errands and Ant told me he would move things back into the living room so I could go get dressed.  I'm wearing sweatpants.  I laughed and showed him my puncture wound with the tail end of the stitches hanging out and the slice down from my belly button.

"I am dressed," I said.

He shuddered.  I told him I wasn't wearing jeans yet and he said he could understand why.  Then he started to think about how it would feel to bend over or carry something heavy and his face scrunched up.

"That's why I'm asking you to do that stuff," I explained.

"Yeah... I'll do that stuff."


Had to share...

Chris got me that little rosebush for Valentine's Day and he put it up on top of the entertainment center.  Shortly after that I noticed this long piece of tape hanging off the tag that said "Strong and beautiful".  I asked Chris, he had no idea where it came from.  Today Ant and I were rescuing the roses from death by drought and he told me he read in his Uncle John's book that plants grow better if they have nice things placed on their pots.  :D

He's mopping the kitchen at the moment.  Before he reverted to singing the Gorillaz he started off with his favorite mopping song, James Brown's "I Feel Good".  That has been his standard mopping song for the past three years.  He loves to mop for some reason and especially loves the mopping shoes I bought him.