Saturday, September 28, 2013

Feeling pretty good today

I had an excellent massage with who may end up being my new massage lady. Honestly, awesome. And she was very careful not to overdo it lest I end up like last time. Has it really been almost a year since my last massage? That will not do. Oh and guess what, Tracy? She does Latin dance.

Ok, gotta run and get some hand warmers for tonight's game.

Friday, September 27, 2013


I was so excited about my coupon savings that I tried to leave my bag of groceries behind. Then I was trying to blog about that on the way out of the store and some guy told me I shouldn't text and drive. No kidding, as I was all over the road. I'd call this a fail, except I just paid $2.61 for a bag full of groceries and couldn't resist telling you that.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I'm just over here, talking to myself...

I'm going to write a song called "Crying After Zumba."

It's one of those releases, I guess.  Some stupid, fun songs and dancing for your exercise, being a good tired, then hearing a slow song to stretch to, and it's some song about being beautiful even if he doesn't think so, even if you're not perfect, and I start tearing up.  There's some mental and emotional exhaustion going on (Hey look, I made it to Thursday!) and I guess I just have to understand that periodically, I'm going to have a minor meltdown and need a hot shower, some tea, and an early bedtime.  I have good plans for this weekend and things are fine, even if I'm a little sad.  I'm glad I went tonight- I suspected I needed it- and that I followed my plan of no nap this evening.  Just struggle through, get to Zumba, and go to bed early and exhausted.  I feel so guilty when I feel like I'm not making progress, but it's occurring to me that I must me.  It's been just over a year now since the air races- the awful weekend when I saw how deep the crack really was.  I didn't have what I thought I had, but I lost a lot anyway.  This September was much worse than I thought it would be, adding more bullshit to the pile, but the difference this time was that I had already lost everything I was going to lose.  I felt the break this time.  I suppose that was bound to hurt and take some time to recover from.  I am so ready for September to be done that I changed the whiteboard calendar today.  I want desperately to have something else- to move on to what really seems like will be the next chapter.  This has been a safe place- a safe job, a safe home, a safe hiding place- but I don't want this to be where I stay because I'm afraid to move on ahead.  I think there probably are lots of better things out there waiting for me, but I'm not entirely sure and I have to do it anyway.

It shouldn't take more than a year

The lease is signed, I'll be free by June to go somewhere else, to do something else.  That gives me a little more time than I'd anticipated to save money, prepare.  But if there's one thing my counselor has taught me, it's that it's never going to feel comfortable.  Be uncomfortable and do it anyway.

Sigh.  Ok.  For now, snuggle in for the fall, do your homework, dust your resume off, be smart with your money and your heart, continue stretching yourself, and get some good, quiet, untortured sleep.

Monday, September 23, 2013

I impress myself

During one phone call today, a veteran asked me, "Are you that good-lookin' brunette at the front desk?"

"Well, I work in another building," I told him.  "But yes.  Yes, I am."

I also had a pretty intense argument with the vending machine.  I did my insulin math wrong and realized I didn't have enough of a snack for the shot I had just taken, but really, any reason will suffice for Doritos.  The bag got stuck just above the flap and no amount of shaking, kicking, or cursing would pop it loose.  I used my badge to give me a little extra reach with the flap half up and stabbed at the bag for more minutes than I care to admit to, but I got that sucker.  "Damn right," I told that machine, but it was really a draw, because my first plan was to smack the Doritos free with the weight of a Snickers bar, but when I put my dollar in, the change machine made a NKNKNKNKNKN noise and only gave me two dimes and a nickel- no quarters.  I'm so glad no one needed the stairwell during that fiasco.  F you, vending machine.