Saturday, June 28, 2014

Shopping sisters

Because I like alliteration, that's why.

Tracy and I escaped for a few to find her some pants, since she has no idea how to pack for San Diego.

"Quick, grab the most hideous thing you can find!"

Strange suggestion

I do have to show you this one, though. We're sitting at lunch and Tracy notices that Dad's soda bottle says something strange:

"Share this Diet Coke with Pat"

Which is, of course, the name of my mom and my evil ex stepmother.


Legoland was a blast, but there are so many pictures between the four of us that I'm going to have to compile and edit first.

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Onboard, loaded with Dramamine for a bumpy ride out of Reno and a bumpy ride into San Diego. I increasingly hate to fly, perhaps because of Reno winds.