Saturday, February 15, 2014

Movie Relief

I have been so sad about Blockbuster lately. I just didn't understand how I was supposed to see newer movies without going to the theater or paying iTunes. I have Netflix through the Wii, but they never have anything. I was getting so sad, and my movie folder was crammed with pages ripped from Entertainment Weekly about all these potentially great movies that I would never get to see. Why can't I watch them, Netflix? I whined. But Netflix answered back: You can. But how, Netflix? Remember, we ATE Blockbuster. Ah, yes. Now I remember. I turned off their mailed DVDs because I had Blockbuster. Now I need to rejoin their mailout plan! I immediately went to their website and added the plan, then started searching for the ten most wanted:

Enough Said
The Crash Reel
20 Feet from Stardom
Blue Jasmine
The Wire
Don Jon ("...a bellowing Tony Danza," said the review. How can I miss that?!)
Tim's Vermeer
The Spectacular Now
Pulling John

I now have all those in my queue except for Tim's Vermeer, which I could only save, since it's not out yet. Here's the review that caught me:

I started keeping the reviews so I can read them again after I've watched the movie. It was driving me crazy- watching some terrible movie and having no idea why I wanted to watch it. I'm doing this with books too. I just read my first Elmore Leonard, and I'm leaving the review in the book in case someone needs the same encouragement I did. I don't think that will be my last Elmore Leonard.

Anyway, I'm all excited because I just looked up a lot of movies, and was able to add approximately 95% of them. I'm much happier with that than the 5% I was finding on the streaming plan. I'm so relieved that there is still an affordable way for the technologically impaired and the financially challenged to keep up on recent movies!

So it's coming up on 10 and I'm yawning my head off for some reason. Perhaps I should listen and go to bed before the high winds knock the power out, as the National Weather Service expects.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Big Dummy

I was just trying to stop myself from sneering at someone else for being slow when I walked into the kitchen and found that I had set the timer without actually putting the chicken patty in the oven.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Now it's a hot mess.

Well, it's been an interesting week.

Things are starting to move a little; inspiration is striking. I've had some interesting conversations and on Monday, signs. I followed them and saw into windows of what's coming and how fast it can happen.

I'm feeling pretty calm- content with my plan and looking forward to whatever messes it up next. I've got my plans, my plans with friends, and my plans to make more friends. Speaking of which, my counselor was horrified by the idea of an introverts meetup group and forbid me to go again. She said SHE wanted to go so she could admonish them all. The funny thing is that they are the only group I have seen whose regular activity is to meet up somewhere just to talk to each other- no other activity. I finally went to one because they were having brunch, which meant there would be something to do, but it was still pretty awkward. Everyone was agreeing that eating was less awkward than doing nothing, and that they should do that more often.

I got invited to a friend's house for Valentine's Day to watch a movie and eat pizza. AND I can bring Riley, so I'm all kinds of happy about that.

I wanted to share this picture with you:

Looks a bit bare, doesn't it? This is from October 2012, when Dad came to visit, and it was about a week after I moved in.

And no, I don't look horribly amused. I suppose I couldn't help it. I remember thinking- as early along as November- that I was supposed to be further along in the process, and feeling like a wimp for being so hurt. I can't remember how I felt in October. Actually, I can't remember much about October, just feeling like I woke up somewhere in November, wondering what the hell just happened.

If I had been planning ahead, I would have a picture that shows you what my place looks like now, but Jennyway...

Not much time left at work today, thankfully. I just introduced myself to a vet by saying: "Call Center, this is Jenny, I'm non-medicated..." Well, let's hope so. It's unseasonably warm (Sorry, East Coasters. I wish we had your snow.), so I'm looking forward to a long walk with Riley when I get home. Maybe the universe will be sending more signs for us to follow.