Saturday, January 5, 2013

More Christmas presents

Chris's grandmother sent me six quilted placemats that she made. They are so neat and exactly the kind of transition I'm trying to make: a little more adult but still totally me.

Mike and Elaine got me a big fleece blanket. Mike has the same kind, it's very thick and he says it keeps him very warm.

Love, love, love.

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Merry Belated Christmas

Apparently the containers are difficult to open.

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Friday, January 4, 2013

It's really her couch, anyway.

She fell asleep like this.

I'm off to Topaz tomorrow for a movie day and some split pea soup. Now if I could just get motivated to get some things done. I'd rather just go lie down and read. It feels good to say that- thank god I don't have regular tv.

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

A song that encapsulates

I encourage you to listen to this as well as read it, if you actually read it.  I know I never read these things.

Fiona Apple- Werewolf

I could liken you to a werewolf the way you left me for dead
But I admit that I provided a full moon
And I could liken you to a shark the way you bit off my head
But then again I was waving around a bleeding, open wound

But you are such a super guy 'til the second you get a whiff of me
And we're like a wishing well and a bolt of electricity
But we could still support each other, all we gotta do is avoid each other
Nothing wrong when a song ends in a minor key
Nothing wrong when a song ends in a minor key

The lava of a volcano shot up hot from under the sea
One thing leads to another and you made an island of me

And I could liken you to a chemical the way you made me compound a compound
But I'm a chemical too, inevitable you and me would mix
And I could liken you to a lot of things but I always come around
'Cause in the end I'm a sensible girl, I know the fiction of the fix

But you are such a super guy 'til the second you get a whiff of me
And we're like a wishing well and a bolt of electricity
But we could still support each other, all we gotta do is avoid each other
Nothing wrong when a song ends in a minor key
Nothing wrong when a song ends in a minor key
Nothing wrong when a song ends in a minor key
Nothing wrong when a song ends in a minor key

But it's a passionate rant.

I’m starting to feel  insanely frustrated again.
Chris came by my work to drop off some stuff and an innocent miscommunication made me want to throw things because it seemed to represent every stupid thing he did and brought back lots of frustration and irritation.  I hope I am invited to attend the all-day mindfulness retreat again this year because holy shit, I am going to need it by then.
Time to review… how appropriate that we were just discussing this last night, Tracy.
Wait to get mad until you find out what happens.  In my defense, it was never a car wreck or amnesia or being held hostage.  It was always just out doing whatever the hell he wanted, perfectly fine with letting me wonder and worry.  That’s an asshole.  At some point, long after the cheating started, he did finally start calling to let me know when he would be coming home.  I guess once the cat is out of the bag, it’s okay to start communicating.
This is not helping.  I have a few minutes left to rein in my rage.
Well, no wonder I was so angry all the time.  Do you know how often I am angry now?  Aside from periodic imaginary arguments or fantasies of dragging that bitch out of my house by her hair, I am actually quite sane.  I’m nice.  I’m calm.  I’m not anxiety-ridden or frustrated.  Sometimes I’m sad.  I’m often sad.  Why is it that once people find out he cheated, they can’t understand how I have any love left?  What do you think I have been living on for the last few years?
Ugh, ugh.  No wonder it was stressful to come home to me.  No wonder I was always angry, dipshit.  Long before this recent bullshit, you always did whatever you wanted, disregarding common courtesy, common decency!  It is embarrassing that I never left and you had to end it for us.  As angry as I am at you, eventually I will be grateful.  The time I spend thinking about you are my only miserable moments.  What makes them so miserable is feeling like a fucking idiot for hanging on so long.  We had such love, though.  Truly.  That will exist forever, no matter how many people roll their eyes.  That’s what makes this so hard, you know.  I don’t hate you and I never will.  My wrath towards your 10-years-younger bimbo is completely justified, but I feel no need to threaten her.  The thought of harming her delights me, but I know that she is digging her own hole- she will need no help from me.   Just from the things you shouldn’t have told me about her, it sounds like her life is already pathetic.  If she had kept her disgusting self away from my family, I would feel empathy towards her and her clear lack of morals and self-esteem, but instead I wish for her everything that she deserves.  I do not feel like this is misguided anger.  I have a separate anger for you, one that is muddled with love and history.  I direct a lot of that anger at myself for ever allowing you to treat me poorly.  I shouldn’t have put up with it, but you shouldn’t have taken that as an invitation.
Now I know that you are not the only picture of bad behavior- I know what I did wrong too.  I will try like hell not to do that ever again.  We did have love, though, and we both made a mess of it.  I was worth fighting for, though, and I kept waiting for you to realize it.  I just thought this morning about Ant- what was it that I gave to him, my contribution.  I realized that I provided probably a lot of things that no one else did, but one in particular that never occurred to me before.  I was THERE.  That’s it.  Dorky, angry, emotional, wrong, contradictory, or whatever, I was THERE.  His mother wasn’t there and neither were you.  Be honest and you’ll see that you’re probably not even there much now.  I was not perfect and I learned how to be a parent as I went along, making myriad mistakes and still managed to be something he desperately needed.  People assure me that my influence is permanent, yet I wonder how five years could possibly have been enough.
Maybe it’s awful to write this here.  I’m okay with that.  I know that I have conveyed enough of you honestly over the years to show how silly and fun you are, how much you’ve accomplished through determination and talent, that you are smart and capable and adventurous and affectionate.  And that I loved you dearly.  You have an incredible son and I hope someday my blog will provide him a unique and funny view of the part of childhood that is often undocumented and forgotten.  That, I guess, is a gift for you both.  Keep it.  Keep the memories and the love I have for you both forever.  I’m off to find someone who cherishes me.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Got to document them somewhere.

I need to keep track. Sometimes I forget which ones I've done before and re-donated. Thrift store puzzle deja vu.

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Be vewy qwiet

Wiley twacks.

Wouldn't it be awesome if I could post more than one picture per blog?

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Channeling my inner photographer

I thought this looked neat, and look how well it came out!

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Oh, look!

We get to walk in the sunshine!

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It's ten now...

...I suppose I could get up.

I dreamt I successfully led an elephant off the freeway.

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Haven't actually gotten up yet, either.

Aaaaaaaaaand twelve hours of sleep later...

I could probably still take a nap later. But don't worry, I did wake up at midnight- when people were setting off fireworks outside and the animals were freaking out. Yay, woohoo! Zzzzzzzz

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Monday, December 31, 2012

Speed Bump

I thought I would save grocery shopping for tomorrow to give me something to do, but I realized I would have another fruit panic before then, so I headed to Winco.

Near the end I started scoping for good soda deals. Diet Coke was not a deal, so I drove my cart to the end of the aisle to check out the Diet Pepsi. Someone's cart was in the way. I looked up to see... the couples counselor Chris and I went to. I bolted.

This woman had been so kind to us both- we never felt excluded or like she was taking sides. I adored her. There were so many things she was right about. I just couldn't imagine telling her what happened.

Not that she'd ask, I'm sure. She would not be like that lady who turned out to be nothing like Patch Adams. I bet they go through training not to mention the significant other unless they are brought up. I couldn't think of all that, though. All I could do was turn and drive my cart away fast enough without attracting attention. I bought my groceries and left.

In the car, I had that imaginary conversation where I told her what happened. Or at least, what I think happened. How would I possibly summarize that in a grocery store? I feel like it deserves more than a shaking head or the "It's done" thing I keep saying. It's not done. It's still here because I keep having these moments where I look around and wonder what the hell is happening. "But..." people tell me... Yes, yes, wonderful things are coming, I'll be better off, all the things I know and don't care about. I know the sun will shine. I don't need the "but," just acknowledge that it's raining. I'm learning that people lose all empathy once they find out he cheated and did other horrible things, as if that should negate all love and leftover feelings. Thank you for declaring him a worthless dirtbag; I disagree. You may also deem me insane and emotionally retarded and I will try to retain composure and remind you that I loved him and his son. I still do and always will. Sorry. Did I deserve that treatment? No.

Seeing our counselor reminded me of the day in her office in 2010. School had already started before I was informed that I would not be receiving financial aid that semester. We were back in a dark apartment, going to the laundromat, hosting yet another non-paying roommate. Chris said he didn't want to be together anymore. He drove us home and I took the dogs for a walk. It was a hot day and we rested in the grass. There was another dog and Jasmine yanked and broke my hand. I learned to write left-handed and fought for B's; Chris said he wanted to stay together, and not just to help me. In the spring he said he wanted to marry me. Our counselor told us nothing would break up a relationship like planning a wedding. Then, as one of her "success stories," she cut us loose.

That must be a depressing job.

My plan for tonight was to read, write, watch a Frasier episode and laugh, do a puzzle and write letters, take a bath, eat a salad, indulge a little. Now it's 8 and I'm on my second beer and I'm thinking that tomorrow can be most of that. Tonight, I am not match for the weight that pulls me to bed and rest. I think, "Did I really just get here yesterday?" I came home and was so pleasantly surprised by how clean and spare my apartment was. It has been a long, rough ride, and if I am going to make it through, I'm going to need some rest.

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Stupid un-updatable browser

Why can't I fix the picture without deleting the whole damn blog?  I am buying a computer soon.  Stupid government computers stuck in the dark ages...

I forgot to tell you that we drove around to look at Christmas lights Wednesday night. That is a tradition that I really enjoy, so I'm glad we did that. We brought Riley with us, as we have done for many of our errands.
And- my meter has been acting up. I had to switch it out before I left because the battery light kept coming on even with new batteries. So I brought my extra one and it had the battery light on too! I brought an extra battery and last night the meter refused to work. I changed the battery and that didn't work. How do both meters die within a couple weeks of each other for the same reason? Luckily, Dad is also a diabetic, so I used his meter. Then we debated going to the VA and I know the system well enough now to know that we'd have to go the main hospital rather than the local outpatient clinic. We priced new meters and decided it was worth it to just hit the drug store. We picked up a replacement meter for $20. (The meter is cheap- it's the test strips that will bleed you dry). Dad used his rewards card and now the meter is $15. Then we get home and find a card: "$15 rebate!" Nice.

Later that night, we made banana muffins and Stella dropped by to bring me some books she wanted me to read. We were talking a lot about changes at lunch yesterday and she was very excited for me and my new adventures. She also brought me lip gloss. Stella was the Chanel lady at Macy's for many years.
I shared some of my super fancy tea and she wanted to save the packaging, just like I did at the Sea Pearl years ago. We had a nice talk, lots of laughs, and gingerbread cookies. Stella said she didn't normally like gingerbread (because they are always hard) but that these were soft and delicious and she wanted the recipe. Jody was also wary of giving out gingerbread for the same reason, but liked these gingerbread. Because really, who wants hard cookies? Oh- and regarding the sugar cookies, Jody said people kept asking her if they came from a tube. Such people are rude and indiscriminating and for both reasons undeserving of homemade cookies made from scratch.

I am getting up now to do some laundry and eat breakfast. Must get started early because I have to pack the car and today is Dog Beach! More Riley pictures, yay!

Go back to work, already.

Everything I write here today is apparently going to start out as a text to Tracy.

Last night I had a fruit and vegetable panic attack.

(Tracy's thinking: She didn't send me that...)

I got home after my 10 hour drive and ate a handful of Goldfish and took a nap.  Then I woke up and felt an overwhelming need for a cutie.  Of course, I ate at least one a day at Dad's so I must be going through withdrawal.  I NEEDED fruit and I had nothing.  Not even canned fruit, because I brought those to work for such emergencies.  I had nothing but frozen vegetables and I was not about to eat four cups of green beans. Maybe some bell peppers or cucumber slices, but not four cups of hot green beans.  I almost drove back to the store.  Instead I tried to wrestle down the feeling and unpack.  I decided I would eat my canned fruit and go get a salad at lunch.

(Now Tracy is saying: Ahh.)

Here, I'll quote myself:

Holy shit, baja salad from wendy's! Yes, i think i will have some guacamole and little dorito-like strips. Even so, i only got half. Who could eat a whole?

I apologize for my lack of capitalization, I was typing one-handed so I could continue wolfing down my salad.

(I feel like I'm making an Amy Facebook post right now.)

All I know is, yum.  And I would happily order that again.  In fact, it may be difficult to wait.  Guacamole and tiny tortilla chips may not be ideal, but I used less than half of the chips.  I ate all the guacamole.  It's better than a burger.  And I got my veggie craving sated- at least for now.  Tomorrow I will be able to stock up again on all my bell peppers, cucumbers, and grape tomatoes.  And tonight I was going to have a big salad with my moderate indulgence of two slices of pizza (donating the rest to Jody), but today is the last day of Subway's $2 subs, so I may do that instead.  What a deal!  Is it 2013 yet?  I'm starting to have fun.

Resolution Representation #1

I just bought a ticket to go see the Harlem Globetrotters all by my damn self. This is another item on my list that I never got to do in all the time I've been in Reno. Suddenly I realize another small, good thing in all this mess: it's much easier to afford to pay for one ticket. Even with this Groupon deal, it would have cost $100 to take the three of us. Here's to my first solo sporting event. It's New Year's Eve and I have already dedicated myself to one solo outing- a good, brave step towards embracing this change.

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Sunday, December 30, 2012

One word makes all the difference

This was Riley- all day long.

I think you were right, Tracy. She must have focused on that key word because she stopped doing panicked laps after I told her we were going home. She started that up immediately at 5:30 this morning on the freeway in the dark when all the lights and signs were still blurry. I had a sleepiness and exhaustion that I did not have Monday and thought I would not be able to contend with her pacing all day. I was using all the same soothing words to comfort her that I had on Monday, but this time I could say we were going home. She looked at me, laid down, and stayed put the whole trip. She looked out the window and sometimes napped, and was the delight of many other drivers.

At home, she ran in to greet the cat, flopped onto a pillow, and sighed. Then she played with her new toy (a Christmas present from Pop) and went to bed. I wasn't far behind her.

I took a loooooooong nap and now I'm ready for a small dinner, a shower, and bed again. I made the trip in ten hours, which is what google clocked, but straight through. I made three stops and hauled ass. I'm glad I left so early- it started snowing around all the Donner-related areas (Really, every time I'm up there in the winter, I think those people were crazy to try to cross the mountains so late in the year. Batshit.) It was around 2:30-3, but the trees provided a lot of shadows and the melting snow was running across the road. As soon as the sun was down, that would all become ice. But the freeways were in good shape, no restrictions, and the side streets were still ok.

Well, that was an adventure. Thank god I have Tuesday off.

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Safe Journey

I'll be officially getting up in about ten minutes so I can leave San Diego at 5 and hopefully make it home by 4. Jody called and said the roads have been horrible in the mornings, ok in the afternoons, and horrible again at night. She said it was snowing right then, and the road was covered in the time it took to feed my cat.

I'm going to take the 5 back, and hopefully haul ass to make up for whatever time I'll lose in the mountains. It's supposed to be ten hours, so we're estimating 11 at higher speeds and fast refuels/potty breaks. Dad estimated when I should be where on the way down and updated my ETA as I checked in. He worked out the same thing for the 5, so he'll be keeping tabs. Today is supposed to be clear. The other day I read that I'll be driving through the snowiest city in the U.S.: Blue Canyon, CA. Wouldn't you think that would be somewhere in Alaska?

Jennyway, here's to a safe, efficient journey home.

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