Friday, February 25, 2011

Deaf Basketball

I'm so pissed.  I would love to go to this, spelling mistakes aside.

Basketball Fans if you’re looking for a little more March Madness, Disability advocates, officianodos, and interested persons please pass the word on this to any and all. 

UNR is hosting the Northwest Association for the Deaf Basketball Tournament, March 4 and 5.  Here’s a link to the flyer

Should be a lot of fun, and teams are coming from Seattle, Idaho, Utah, and Fremont, CA  just to name a few.  Tournament Time is  8 AM to 10PM both days.  There is a $5.00 student discount for any student (with id).  This is a great opportunity for sign language students, the deaf community and above all-anyone who loves basketball.   

FANS & FRIENDS: Combo ticket: $30.00 until Feb 14th
No combo ticket sales after Feb 14th
Tickets at the Door: March 4th: $15.00 March 5th: $20.00

Am I being silly to be pissed that it's $15 a person- if we go on the cheaper day?  I like watching basketball in person and I would love to see Deaf communication on the court.  And no, I would not be able to understand enough to know what was going on.  But I would love to go and support Deaf anything.  I'm just really annoyed that it's so much.  And what a long day, sheesh.

Movie Blog

I haven't been watching a lot of movies lately thanks to homework and Vicodin-induced slumber, but I do have a few to tell you about.

Chris and I went to Blockbuster sometime last week and wandered the New Arrivals.  I suggested Red but he said nothing, so I took that to mean no.  He must not have seen anything he was interested in because he approved my next two suggestions.  Now, before I tell you what they were I want you to understand that I regularly read Bob Grimm's movie column and Entertainment Weekly.  When they say something's good I tend to listen.  The problem comes with the Oscars.  (Digression Alert)  For the last couple years I have added the Oscar winners to my Blockbuster queue and am usually horribly disappointed.  Not that they are bad movies- they're usually just horribly depressing.  I have finally figured out that while these movies may be great movies, they are often not great for my disposition.  If I'm not inspired to watch it, an Oscar nomination should not change that.  So that's why I'm leaning towards some less serious movies.  (End of digression.)

My choices were Splice and Easy A.  I'd read good things about both so I decided to give them a chance even though I am not a fan of science fiction or teen movies.  We decided to watch Splice first.

We watched maybe a half hour in silence.  Then we turned it off.  I can't tell if it was good or not.  Bob Grimm liked it, but I haven't seen many sci fi movies I liked.  One that comes to mind is Serenity.  Rachel showed us that one and we both really liked it.  Maybe that was more adventure though.  Splice is about two scientists who create this crazy creature that starts out too cute to kill and things get out of hand, of course.  That's about as much as we saw.  There were the expected "thriller" moments where the music builds and something jumps out and surprises you, which got old quickly because that seems to be a requirement for these kinds of movies.  I really wanted to like it because Adrian Brody can't do much wrong in my book, but no such luck.  If you're a sci fi fan you should probably give it a shot because I read that it was good and overlooked.

After we rejected Splice we put in Easy A.

This also inspired silence, at least for a little while.  Then Chris asked me why I picked out a teen movie. I cited Bob Grimm again, but this didn't help since Bob had recommended Splice too.  Then something made me giggle and something else made Chris laugh and that's how we spent the rest of the movie.  Emma Stone plays a girl who allows an undeserved bad reputation to stand and deals with the repercussions.  It has everything you expect from a teen movie: plenty of raunch and losers, lessons and a romantic thoughtful love interest that would never exist in real life.  We didn't always laugh at the same things but we laughed a lot.  Chris got an added bonus- he loves Lisa Kudrow.  Not bad, not bad at all.

On Monday we drove out to Topaz to pick Ant up.  It was my first day out of the house and I was not used to so much excitement so I took a Vicodin nap on the reclining side of the couch.  (I must remember to buy a couch with built in recliners.)  M&E served up prime rib, mashed potatoes and brussel sprouts and I ate happily as we watched Red.

We were not too far into the movie when I pulled Splice and Easy A from my purse (where they were waiting to be returned), showed them to Chris and said "This- (pointing to the TV) is what I wanted to rent instead."

"Oh," he said.  "We should have gotten this."

Red was exactly the kind of movie I've been wanting to watch lately- a fun, funny action movie that doesn't take itself seriously.  I was delighted and I want to watch it again.  I am a Bruce Willis fan because he can be silly in his seriousness and we were all surprised by how many awesome actors were in it.  I'm not sure that I totally followed the plot but that might have been the Vicodin and besides, it really didn't matter.  It was a fun movie and I'm really grateful they waited to watch it with us.

Today we FINALLY finished The Rape of Europa.

Don't let the name scare you away- this goes on my Best Movies Ever list.  I was so blown away by this movie that as I was watching it I was composing a list of people I wanted to send it to.  So why did it take us so long to finish it?  Oh, you don't even know how long.  Get this- we rented it on December 1st.  It was a Chris selection from the Special Interest section.  He is very interested in WWII and we both thought it looked really interesting.  We brought it home and it sat on the dresser for over two months.  (Don't worry, it was online terms.  No due date.)  Every few days I would ask Chris if he wanted to watch it and who knows, maybe we were tired and didn't want to learn anything that night.  Documentaries are difficult- you have to be in the right mood to watch them.  I started excluding myself and asking him to watch it alone.  Then I started threatening to return it unwatched.  He was okay with that so I went back to pestering him.

We finally started watching it... maybe two nights ago?  It was horribly interesting but there's lots of black and white war footage and people talking- perfect sleep aid.  Usually we'll return a movie if we fall asleep through it but neither of us could do that to Europa, as we came to call it.  It was just too damn interesting.  It took three times to get it all, but I'm so glad I saw it.  I can't return it yet though, because Chris fell asleep again.  :D

Hitler was not accepted to the Vienna Academy of Art and he apparently felt burned by Jewish decision makers.  This was not the only origin of his hatred but certainly provides some perspective.  He created a list of artwork he wanted from other countries before he invaded them, which totally reframes WWII- at least it did for me.  Europa follows the art from its original owners and how they tried to hide it, to its theft and recovery, destruction, or disappearance.  There are stories behind famous paintings and statues that you've never heard before, like with the Mona Lisa or Michelangelo's David.  The stories about the artwork itself is just as compelling as the stories about the people.  There are paintings by famous artists that you have never seen, and paintings you will never see.  There are recovered pieces whose ownership is debated, and you will debate it too.  This story is called the greatest art heist of all time and you will be uncomfortable with how close it all came to disappearing forever.  A lot of it did- Hitler stole what he called the masters and burned what he considered degenerates.  It is an absolute miracle that so many pieces survived and were returned but all the numbers in this film are staggering.  I urge you to watch this movie not just because it is enlightening, but it is just so horribly interesting.  Emphasis on horribly.

This is torture.

I really thought I could use this time for a nap but Cesar was working with an aggressive dog and ever since Reggie added me to a Farmville group I've been getting more requests than I know what to do with.  So yeah, I got stuck watching and farting around... goddamn Farmville.  It's so easy now I may be inclined to stop soon.  But as vices go, it's not nearly as dangerous as smokies and Diet Cokies.

I keep trying to do too much, apparently.  I am desperate to clean, and yesterday I went to work but I was really wrecked and nauseated and that was without taking any Vicodin!  Figure that one out.  Today I lazed around a while, then showered and started picking up clutter and caca.  Suddenly I had a sharp pain in my belly, then another and another until it was throbbing and Chris helped me to the couch.  It relented once I laid down.  Great.  A week isn't enough?  I haven't done dammit.  I'm so bored.

So Chris is out running errands for his gig Sunday and he's due back any minute to take me to see my Occupational Therapy appointment.  After that we'll hit the post office (where I'll stay in the Dodge) and then we'll take the dogs to the park (where I'll stay in the Dodge).  Then Ant and Chris will go grocery shopping and I will stay home and be very upset that I'm missing yet another trip to the store.  I actually considered driving one of those silly chairs around- I'm THAT serious about not missing a trip to the store.  I love grocery shopping!  But sigh... sharp pains are not on the list.

Uh-oh Update:
Chris says the roads are terrible so I'm rescheduling my appointment and we're only taking care of the dogs.  It's supposed to snow all day so I guess we'll suffer from cabin fever together.  Looks like a movie night!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I don't have a favorite tv show- there's nothing that I can't miss.  I tend to meander, watching an episode or two of something and sometimes I get hooked on a channel for a while.  The only thing in common is that I like reality shows.  I think that reflects my recent change to nonfiction (not that nonfiction equals exact truth either).

Jennyway, my recent go-to channel, especially during my recovery, has been HGTV.  The show I can't stop watching is House Hunters.  The buyers look at three houses and pick one.  I love listening to what people say they want and then watching them choose something totally different.  I NEVER choose the right one.

The aggravating (and mildly pleasing) part is learning what people look at when they tour these houses.

"Ugh," they say, "That light fixture is ugly."

They don't like white cabinets.  The carpet is old.  The appliances aren't stainless steel.  There's wallpaper or they don't like the paint color.  Or my personal favorite: the hardware on the cabinets is outdated.

I am appalled!  What about the roof, the water heater?  Why aren't they asking questions about the things they can't change?  Paint?  Really?

Before I started watching this show, I didn't understand the need for shows like Curb Appeal or Ready to Sell or whatever they're called.  But now I know that people really do get stuck on stupid things.  I think this could be a benefit to me if I'm able to see past what I can afford to change to what I can't.

The other maddening feature of this show (I really enjoy getting riled up by this) is how awful and obnoxious buyers can be.  They're busy criticizing the current owner's taste rather than the house itself.  And the things they say to the realtors!  It always seemed to me like realty was a good business to get into because they seem to make decent money quickly, but from what I see here, they put up with a lot of bullshit and seriously bad manners.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cabin Fever

Well, I got to take a shower (yay!) and we took the bandage off.  That was not fun.  The cut makes my belly button into a T and the puncture is right below that.

I'm distracted by this House Hunters show on HGTV and I am so annoyed by these fortunate and bitchy people who can afford way more than they should.  Waahhh, the built in entertainment center is white.  Six bedrooms and seven bathrooms?  Waahhh, there's no place for a workout room!  Go throw yourself through that huge picture window with a view of the highway.

Sorry.  Jennyway, I am way more sketchy about my belly now that I can see what it looks like.  I want to tape a pillow around my middle and buy a Hoveround.  Today we woke up and came out to the living room, turned on the race, and tried to get comfy.  I couldn't lay down without hurting my ribs or whining, and Chris was suffering from a man cold, so we retreated to the bedroom again.  We laid on the bed sideways (I keep referencing Grammar Girl for lie vs lay) so I could watch TV without laying on my side, which hurts.  I took a nice big Nascar nap and woke up with 7 laps left.  It was an exciting ending.

I have graduated from Saltines to a bagel sub (yesterday) and peanut butter toast (today).

The girls are going a little stir crazy.  Usually when Ant's gone I have to step up the dog duties.  Chris just does not participate voluntarily.  This is important for me to recognize absolutely before we move anywhere else.  We need a yard.  A yard will not replace walks, but these poor girls have to hold it until one of us gets our ass in gear.  Besides, they loved their little yard in Stead.  In nice weather we could leave the door open and they'd lounge in the grass or on the patio.  Nobody had to be told or urged or threatened to let the dogs out because you could be barefoot and in pajamas.  When there really was no time or if we were in no condition, we could throw the ball around for Jasmine.  It really was a small yard but they just need a place to potty and sit in the sun.  Chris just took them to the park and let me know as he was walking out the door just how bad he felt.

As I said, he's suffering from a man cold, which is probably on par with surgery.  Our place is a disaster and I'm afraid he's going to wait for Ant to come home to fix it.  Yesterday he got mad when I got mad at him.  I have to say something about the dogs five times before it happens.  It wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't sick but I am going on record now to say that if I ever have to go through surgery again I will only do it if I have a female around to take care of me.  The clutter and mess is making me insane but I am just not up to speed yet.  I can't imagine going to school tomorrow- I'm glad I did this over a holiday. I haven't decided if I'm tagging along to Topaz tomorrow.  I would like to get out of the house and I wouldn't have to move too far, so it would be a nice transitional day, but I don't have the energy to fight off Nikki, the insane chocolate lab who has been cooped up due to the weather.

Tuesday is our counselor and my English class, separated by several hours.  I think I'll ask for a ride to school.  Wednesday is the long day with the heavy bookbag- I'm thinking I would whittle it down to the laptop and not much else.

Of course, I should be feeling a lot better by the day.  I can't imagine that now.  I want to move, and I REALLY want to clean but hopefully this will be my last incapacitated day.  We need to do laundry something fierce but I can't carry it and I can just see trying to convince Chris.  He'll wait for his minion, I'm sure.  We'd better get out the extra allowance money.