Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rough Night

Last night I went to pick Chris up from the ballpark where he was doing sound at the Freighthouse.  Apparently it's a pretty popular place to hang out, even if no games are on.

I got there around 2:45am and pulled over to pick him up.  There were four cop cars ahead of me trying to remove some drunk guy who was resisting arrest.  Chris said goodbye to the Freighthouse owner and came over to the Dodge.  He put his stuff into the back and opened the passenger door.  There was a loud bang.

"What was that?" I asked.

"That dude just got shot," said Chris.  People started running in both directions.  Chris ducked behind the Dodge and told me to get down.  I wondered how I would convey this to the dogs, who were perked up and watching everything.  It was rather disconcerting to watch the cops react to something going on behind me.

There was only the one shot, and that was for Brandon Wimberly, a wide receiver for the UNR football team.  We only found that out about an hour ago.

Nevada tells football players to cooperate with Reno police in investigation of wide receiver shooting

He got shot in the torso and is recovering in the hospital.  It was the result of some fight between Wolf Pack players and some other group the police hasn't found yet.  Chris saw him fall and when we drove away, all we saw were his unmoving shoes.

The athletic director is asking the players to cooperate because apparently they are not.  That implies some problems...

I'm amazed that 1) people let arguments get that out of hand, 2) somebody had the balls to use a gun that close to that many cops and 3) that many cops- and all the others that showed up- didn't find the silver car.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mystery Solved

At least once a day for the last week I have come home to find a blinking light on the answering machine.  I press play and all I ever hear is the click of a broken connection.

I figured it was a crafty collection agency with a "No Answering Machine" policy.

We have a weird answering machine situation.  There is an answering machine built into our phone but our cable company also has voicemail service.  What's fun is that you never know whether you will get the machine or the voicemail.

Chris recorded a message for the voicemail, but the answering machine still had the generic robotic male voice.  I decided to finally record a personalized message on the machine.  It went something like this:

"Hi, you've reached Jenny, Chris, and Anthony.  We won't answer if we don't recognize the number, so you might as well leave a message."

After all, I can't pay the collection agency $10 a month if I don't know where to send it.

I took the doggies for a long walk and then dragged the laundry to the Dodge.  NEED a washer and dryer.  Finally I'm home and it's 9:30 and the phone rings.  I let it go.  The phone rang again.  I let it go.

I stop putting laundry away and go check the machine.  It's blinking.

Message 1: Hesitation before the hang up.

Message 2: Long pause... "Hi, Anthony... this is [Sadie Hawkins].  I was just wondering if you could... call me back."

I had a ridiculous moment of celebration where I crowed about my clever trap... and then I froze in horror.  Are we seriously already at the point where girls are calling the house?

Yes, I realized, as I remembered my own early years when... um... yeah, this is karma in the worst way.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fruity West Coast Hippies

I didn't want to kill myself in Ceramics today!

I decided to start simple.  The teacher came over and told me my slabs were perfect and the window was open.  (Thanks?)  Then he told me I knew what I was doing and didn't need his help.  Ohhhhhh rilly...

Last night Chris and I took the dogs and some food to Mayberry and had a lovely cookout.  It had finally cooled off and the dogs did not feel the need to bathe in the river so we just played in the grass.  The chicken was wonderful.  We had hot dogs that we shared with our eager and suddenly very friendly dogs.  We also had cheese puffs and a vegetable platter.  Strangely enough, we demolished the veggies and not the cheese puffs.  Perhaps we were inspired by all the crunchy granola types that live in that area.  We drove around yesterday afternoon before the cookout looking for houses to rent.  We kept seeing scraggly guys in straw cowboy hats riding bicycles with tattooed pink haired women.  Several of the women had baskets on their bicycles.  We kept giggling about what the requirements might be to live in that neighborhood.  I told him he'd have to wear Jesus shoes; he said I wasn't tattooed enough.  We'd get jumped if we didn't recycle.

"Thankfully you are anal enough about recycling," he said.

"Didn't you have a straw cowboy hat?" I replied.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Round 2

So Ant and Bubba are at Topaz.  Elaine set up a barbecue and specifically invited people with kids to hang out with the boys.  According to Elaine, some of the older kids decided to start sword fighting with sticks.  They ran out of sticks (?) and gave the 3-year-old a PIPE.  She accidentally smacked Ant in the mouth with it.

Elaine said she could recognize Ant's cries.  He insisted on going to the dentist immediately... at 10 o'clock on Saturday night.  Elaine gently laughed at him.  He went back to the dentist today and got a new chunk of composite attached.  It will be another two weeks of a soft diet and "taking it easy" before it will be "healed enough" to do the permanent fix.  I'm taking bets.  How long before the next object to the face?

It seems as though all that was lost was composite but Elaine wasn't sure if he chipped the other front tooth worse than it was already.  I have yet to hear.

I have seen too many Cupcake Wars on the Food Network lately and I am in desperate need of a cupcake.  Okay, desperate want.  I have been working hard to research cupcakeries in the area.  Don't worry, I'll split it with Chris.  Maybe.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Puzzle Progress

I've been working on the puzzle.

This is what it will look like.

Only the second and the fourth ladies are reversed.  Weird.

It's nice to be able to work on this.  It's 1500 pieces, which I think is the largest puzzle I've done.  So far the cat has not dumped half of it on the floor so let's hope that continues.  I think she's thrown- I haven't done a puzzle in so long.