Saturday, October 22, 2011

Uh, no.

And last night, in the middle of the night, the corner shower caddy fell down and took out the shower curtain rod and curtain with it.  We're used to leaving our door open at night because Solo (aka Princess Pain in the Ass) must have the freedom to wander the entire house or she will scratch at the door.  If we don't hear that, she'll start knocking things off the dresser.  Night before last, Chris had been using this "perfectly sized 8-inch plate" to draw out plans for speaker boxes.  In the middle of the night, there was a terrible crash and a beautiful plate was broken.  That's when her name becomes Goddammit Cat.

So last night when everything in the shower came down we both jolted awake, asking each other what the hell that was and immediately suspecting Goddammit Cat.  She was sleeping next to me, so we either have a poltergeist or those corner shower caddy things are just PITAs themselves.  I'm thinking poltergeist.

Chris said yesterday that he heard the gate open and Princess Jasmine became Pit Bull On Guard Duty.  He said she didn't bark, just uttered one of those reactionary sounds and he heard her running over.  The gate immediately banged shut and he went out front to find Jasmine sitting at the front door.  That could have been a meter reader or an ax murderer.  I'm thinking ax murderer.

The transition anxiety articles I was reading yesterday said that Ant needs other social circles outside of school so that when he has those terrible middle school moments he'll still fit in and be comfortable elsewhere.  We talked last night about his adjustment and what he needs to get organized.  He asked if he could join the YMCA that's right next to the school so he could play basketball and stuff.

"Yeah, we can do that!"

"Great!" he said.  "You just have to tell them that I'm 15."

Friday, October 21, 2011

Not evil, just determined.

I just spent the last three hours with Ant learning about minerals.

Waiting for applause...

Two homework packets are complete... wait.  Did I tell you guys about this?

Okay, so Ant is not passing science, the teacher is highly unpopular, and there is something called transition anxiety that

I'm way too tired to write all this.  Bottom line: He needs to catch up.  I actually needed to accomplish four more hours of homework to be on track myself, but people in hell want ice water.  Now it's 10:30 and I'm ready to pass out.

Ant called me an evil stepmother when I made him look up how to spell "vitamin."  But two homework packets are done and corrected.  He was an obnoxious, whiny poopy pants until he finally saw that he had something totally wrong.  He got this OHHHHH look and then he was finally interested in getting it right.  It was a long night, but it was so worth it to see the light bulb come on.

YAWWWWN!  Goodnight.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Nobody reads those anyway.

Arggghhh, if only I had been able to write my rough draft on the plane when I was cross-eyed from exhaustion and full of pee.  I must remind myself that this essay is only 2 1/2 to 4 pages and I could do that in my sleep.  So far I have... almost two pages.  Garrrggghhhh.  And when I finish that I get to write an artist's statement!  Joy!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

I can't sum up the past week, but I will tell you about today.

Went to school, shoe immediately broke.  Bought photo paper at the bookstore, got free rubber bands from cashier.  Sat down to figure out how to fix shoe, wondered why there's never an engineering student around when you need one.  Created a rubber band fix by my damn self.

How about the fact that my shoe is still intact now at 8 pm?  Chris said, "It's as good as new!"

I put my shoe on and walked to the Shakespeare class.  Made it on time, too.  I am that awesome.  Teacher was out doing some interview for his new book

Washington Post Review

so some other teacher was returning the tests.  I got a 96.

I spent my lunch writing a rough draft for the novel class.  Then I went to photography, got a lot of help, and finally figured out what the hell I'm doing.  I got two pictures printed and there's three to go.  I might actually get those done tomorrow.

Finally I went to the American Novel class and got that midterm back.  I got a 47.  Out of 50!  Some of the questions were a little confusing so the teacher said she would add five points to everyone's grade, so woo hoo!

Those exams were done between unpacking from moving and packing for Shannon's wedding.  I am really proud of myself.

Okay, here are my illusion photos.

That is the moon.

This is a light on a loading dock by my house.

These are taillights.

This is a tower at the Grand Sierra Resort in the Ultimate Thrill Park or whatever they call it.  It's the giant swing.

A plane landing.

It's too bad that these have to be in black and white because I like some of them a lot more in color.  But whatever.  What do you think?