Saturday, October 5, 2013

Outhouse Races

I picked Ant up today and took him to the Outhouse Races in Virginia City.  That was really funny.  Back in the 90s, the city passed an ordinance against outhouses, and the residents apparently protested by bringing their outhouses to the main street.  That's the 1990s, not the 1890s.  They overturned the ordinance, but the side benefit of this protest is the annual Outhouse Races, which mainly features lots of poop jokes.

Here are a few examples of the contenders.  This is during the parade.

UNR has a team.

Here are some of their names to entertain you.  My personal favorite is the Pot Rod.  And just so you know, Julia C. Bulette was a very popular prostitute in Virginia City back in the 1800s.  You can visit the Julia C. Bulette Red Light Museum.  I did, several years ago with Shannon.  It's an enlightening experience.

Here's video from a race.  Ant snuck into the finish line crowd and was almost run over.

From this video, you can see that UNR is a bunch of pumpkin eaters, opening their door for extra reach.  We didn't catch it here, but I loved how the announcer kept the poop jokes going.  He liked to announce the losers of the race by referring to them as "Number 2."

For those of you who would like to enter next year, you will need strong, fast people to push the outhouse, but from the races we saw, an aerodynamic design is a big help.

Between heats, we wandered around and mainly just found things to eat.  Here we are in Grandma's Fudge Factory (not actually related to the scatological humor). 

Pictures from a couple races.  I love this one.  She looks deadly serious, doesn't she?

Check out the sweatshirts of the guys in front of me.

This is one of the Plungerettes, a team of women who led each heat with some barely organized dance moves.  They were awesome.

I have wanted to go to this since the very first time I heard of it.  In my tenth October here, I finally made it.  If you live in the area or are visiting during this time, you have to go to the Outhouse Races.  It's your doody.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The timer's going off

Hello, did you miss me?

I just finished a dancing workout on the Wii.  I was looking for Zumba DVDs to practice with at home, and found out that Blockbuster classifies Zumba under Colonialism (Wha-huh?) but also that I can rent Wii games!  Perhaps I am slow, but I did not realize this.

I did not find a Zumba game at the store, but I did find Just Dance 4, which has an assortment of songs I do not know, plus some random gems by Barry White, Stevie Wonder, The B-52s, and They Might Be Giants.  I will have to go play around in there some more and apologize to my neighbors and explain that I'm not actually epileptic.  I haven't even ventured out of the Easy ratings yet, so the seizures may intensify.

This gym membership is not going to waste, but I'm hopeful to be able to feel comfortable dropping in on any of the Zumba classes.  This is where my counselor would laugh and remind me that it's never going to feel comfortable and I have to go anyway.  Well, at least I can get in a little practice at home where I can shake my behind with more exuberance.

I keep waiting for enough time to accomplish something.  Strangely enough, that doesn't happen.  I feel less motivated by the day, which tells me that it is even more urgently necessary for me to take action.  It's time to make a plan and knock out the steps towards something better.