Friday, May 10, 2013

Examining lists

I'm feeling a bit ornery. I should probably check my blood sugar.

I started my task of cleaning my apartment and found that my style is more drifting around, carrying a couple items into a room, putting things away as I encounter them. This approach is not conducive to a list. I usually decide what I need to accomplish, write an exhaustive list, check off about four items, and get depressed that I didn't do everything. This approach taught me to stop dating the lists, or titling them things like "today."

A couple weekends ago, I only wrote down what I did. That was a nice, exhausting list.

One problem with crossing things off lists is items like the cat litter. Yes, I just scooped the cat litter, but I'm going to have to do it again tomorrow. Another problem is that I often write these lists at work, when I'm not feeling very productive. Then I come home and don't even LOOK at the list.

So tonight (you'll be so excited to hear the conclusion to this), I have decided to go with my drifting method and just write down the things I don't want to forget to do, like find my box of checks. What safe, seemingly sensible place did I stow them in? I have no idea, and so far my guesses were apparently too obvious for a good place to store checks. This is an item for my list, because it's a two-parter: find the checks, pay the car payment. Otherwise, my ding dong self will find the checks, feel elated, and have no idea why I was looking for them.  Sheepish grins are not an accepted form of currency.

So now it's 10 and my 93 calls have decided that it's time for bed. Sad. But Solo is curled up too, waiting for me to continue scratching under her chin. Goodnight.

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Fridays are busy for everyone

And I thought the call center was busy today.

I ran out to Taco Bell at lunch for one of their delightful Diet Pepsis with their skinny straw.  The guy handling the drive through was apparently also handling the counter, and just left the microphone on the whole time.  That's a busy guy who doesn't have time to hit a button on the headset.  Sure enough (some time later), when I got to the window, I saw him running back and forth.  He came towards me shaking his head and exhaling like, "I cannot believe this!"  I doubt he had any more than one person helping him in there.  He opened the window and handed me my drink, no straw.  I held out my card and he shook his head and waved me away.  I thought about asking for the straw, decided he had enough to deal with, and drove away.  Besides, I keep straws in the glove box for such occasions.  I am quite dedicated to my fountain drink addiction.  :D

Thursday, May 9, 2013


I am enjoying a few golden moments of doing nothing before I have to go clean the kitchen and get ready for bed. I am a busy bee these days, don't you know. Tuesday I went to the weights class with my coworker and while we struggled to follow along and translate the instructor's gym speak, we had fun and got horribly sore legs. We met each other in the hall Wednesday morning with the mutual greeting, "How are the stairs?"

Last night I made up for it by eating Pizza Hut with Jody.

Today was the apprentice class with LOTS to absorb. My brain is tired. When I'm bored while cleaning this weekend, perhaps I will tell you about it. Then Riley and I had dog class. We worked on me picking her up in the new way, socialized her with employees (that love her), and started whistle training. Then we were invited to sit in on puppy class for socialization, which was both adorable and overwhelming. THEN I went to the store. I am lightly toasted, which only has a little to do with the beer I'm currently enjoying. Oh look, it's 9. Rest time is over.

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Monday, May 6, 2013

Long Monday

For years, every time I tried to prepare for a fasting lab, I crashed.  Last night was no exception, so I was not able to do my lab this morning.  I intended to ask my coworker to reschedule me, but she wasn't in at first, so I just held off.  At lunch, I got a call from their scheduler explaining that the doctor would be out for my appointment anyway, so it would be rescheduled.  I did not even need the lab.  Do you know how mad I would have been if I had done the lab?  Unnecessary stabbing!  Having blood drawn is one of my least favorite things ON EARTH.  Not that I think anyone enjoys it, but I would really rather break rocks... not that I've ever had to do that.

So how well did that work out, huh?  I'm so pleased.  Postponed blood draw, saved some sick leave... nice.  My coworker is going to sign up at my gym tomorrow and we're going to start going to classes together.  :D

Today I brought one of those random cookbooks I have laying around and picked out the recipes I want to try.  There aren't many, so I'm going to copy them and donate the book.  Less stuff!  Yay!  The other day I was musing about how much stuff I have lost over the years- some willingly, some not- and how everything I own now fits in a one-bedroom apartment.  (Well, except the stuff in Mom's attic, but that could fit here if I ever go get it.)  I kind of like that a lot of it's gone, even if I don't like the way it left.

I have been reading about personalities for the apprentice class, and it is both fascinating and mildly horrifying.  Horrifying because I identified Chris's type unintentionally, and I can see a lot of why that was never going to work.  Maybe I'm a little biased and that type could be possible, but I don't think so.  At the very least, I know I would like to date someone with a different personality type because for now I have had enough of that.  Perhaps I will subject potential love interests to a short personality test.

"I'm sorry, we have reached our quota of that particular personality.  Thank you for applying."

That'll make me sound crazy, especially referring to myself as we.

It has been fascinating to read about my type.  I'll have to share a bit about my type later.  I was doing a sad cackle last night about how they pegged me.

I am looking forward to tonight, when I don't have to do anything but walk the dog.  I may actually cook something, who knows!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Target shoppers

It's raining today. As I left on my errands, I walked under the carports to avoid getting rained on. The bigger cars stuck out more and I still tried to skirt them, aligning myself directly underneath the rain running off the carport's edge. Water splattered all over my head, my glasses, my face. I got more wet than if I had just walked in the rain.

"Well, that was a good plan," I congratulated myself. "Well executed."

Now I'm at Target munching on popcorn and getting butter all over my phone. I came here to buy a Godiva bar- the only good kind that has only dark chocolate and sea salt. Lindt sucks and Ghiradelli seems to think I also need almond bits or worse- caramel. Oh, it's good, but as we all know, I don't need caramel. And I find the almond bits distracting. I'd rather just eat almonds (as I do- that's my morning snack). The chocolate is my 5 gram treat that I eat with my lunch: my one daily goodie eaten with protein, fully endorsed by my dietitian.

So I get here to find that they are pretty seriously on sale and walk up to the counter with four. These will last me for two months (or until Tracy comes to visit), but I can see that everyone's eyeing my purchase with silent judgment. Shut up. You don't see me judging your $450 purchase of pool toys, do you?

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