Thursday, September 18, 2014

And now, some rest.

I just had a really lovely night.

My day was really good too, but I am running short on time. I ran home after work and did a super productive clean. Paulette came over and we made meal #2 from Blue Apron. I took some pictures and promise to make a better blog than that mess yesterday. She helped me clean the kitchen and the whole thing was packed up by 7:30, which is earlier than I even started last night. I ran to the store to get a small gift for the librarian from Sacramento, who has been here training me all week. He is retiring in December, so this will likely be the last time I see him. He promises to be available for questions until then, thankfully, but those of us who know him will be sad to see him go. So I got a little present (that he will protest and appreciate) and then I went home, admired my clean apartment, and had an ipod dance party. Look: furthering my work knowledge, getting chores knocked out, laughing and cooking a delicious meal with a friend, sharing some gratitude, then dancing my joyful tail off in my living room. And tomorrow's Friday!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


You can't see the patties because I cooked the living shit out of them. They are tiny but delicious. The cucumber salad is tasty, but I'm not sure how it's supposed to feed two people, because I'm going to eat it all.

The process

The mint smells wonderful.

The rolls smell incredible. Oh my god...

Dropped the scooped out cucumber seeds on the floor.

Why the hell am I starting this so late?

Why the hell am I starting this so late and without any help?

I'm going to die alone.

See you then Lee sliced onion hahaha voice recognition thinly sliced onion can also work as chunks of onion.

This game sucks.

Actually, this is starting to look and smell pretty good.

I feel like a chef. Aww yeah.

You want to smell this.

9:30 and I'm toasting my buns.

I am definitely running the dishwasher tonight.

I need this food to be ready so I can eat it.


Lamb & Beef Sliders

This is what we are making tonight. Let's see how I do.

Limited blogging options

I would ordinarily make this a photo blog instead of many photo blogs, but I can only post one picture at a time on my phone. Sorry about that.

Irrelevant picture

This is my favorite picture because everything look so beautiful I just want to eat it. This is my Blue Apron plug photo, apparently.

Not in focus

Sorry about that. Here the rest of the vegetables and the bottom part is where the meat is packed in ice packs.


The produce was packed on top, and I was immediately thinking about keeping the service when I saw how healthy my meals would be. But that's if I can cook them all, as Mom pointed out. Killjoy.

What's inside

All of the ingredients are packed into this box, and mostly labeled by meal.

Blue Apron

One of the volunteers at work subscribes to this service. The ingredients for three fresh meals are delivered each week. Subscribers are given free meals to donate to other people to lure them into the service. I got my free box today, but I will probably have to pay for next week as well, since I probably was not able to cancel in time.