Sunday, March 22, 2015

That's right.

Another friend who did not come asked for pictures of dinner. We sent him this.


I was afraid that the health conscious friend would not want rice-a-roni, so Tracy approved a substitution of red mashed potatoes with baked chicken and salad. My friends ate it up and now I have a clean house, leftovers for lunch, and an invitation for dinner at their house.

Mission Accomplished

After bustling around all day, I got my place cleaned up and groceries bought and dinner cooked. I invited friends over (Yes, me! I totally did!) and we had a nice dinner.

Break time

Here's me and Riley and- true to cat form- Mini's butt.

Sleepy girl

Apparently, dirty laundry is comfortable. I was tearing my place apart, trying to sort and clean and came upon a sleeping Riley on my laundry. I was able to step over her several times before I got a picture, but her inner model woke up.

I dragged my hamper downstairs today after offering weird change amounts to enough stores in search of quarters. If you charge me $3.67, for example, I'm liable to hand you $4.17. I tried to go get a roll of quarters from the credit union on Saturday, but forgot that they close at 12. So I drag my hamper downstairs today, and the washer and dryer are occupied. Later, I saw my laundry competitor as I was staging one paper bag of recyclables outside my door. "Oh, are you moving out?" he asked. No, you perpetual Sunday laundry hog. No such luck. One paper bag? Seriously?

Saturday night

Some other friends invited me out for drinks and nonsense.


Some happy campers


On Friday night, I went to a friend's house where she was hosting yummy food and Cards Against Humanity. I had too much fun. Saturday, Riley and I toured the neighborhood and sat in the sunshine, then I ran errands. I came home to find that Riley had been having too much fun.


I've been going for longer walks after I take Riley out for her daily meander. I listen to fun pop music or my latest Audible book and charge around the neighborhood looking at the sights.

Jenny and Riley

This was a nice weekend.