Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Just hit the ball, honey.

I am way too tired to be composing a blog right now, but I just wanted to say that I am having fun, running around, learning new things, and that I am dirty, sweaty, and slightly bruised. Cristine, Kristen, and Amanda have all played a lot of softball, and the goal in our practices is to refresh them and teach me. It was a little unnerving today, because after our practice hitting and fielding, it was time to teach me about running the bases. I got to put my running on display. This was very difficult for me, as I feel like I run like a T-Rex. They deemed my running totally acceptable and non-dinosaur, and discussed whether I was underselling or just way too modest. They explained the base running decision making process, which I furrowed my brow at and asked questions about until I felt I understood just enough to not be able to retain it. Kristen then said my favorite thing ever about what it's like teaching me to play softball. "This would be much easier if she wasn't smart." She has said lots of funny, encouraging remarks about my efforts and athletic skills in this endeavor, but that one's my favorite.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Busy Bee

I got a fantastic coaching session in softball today. I'll be playing on a team with Cristine and Kristen next week, Gaaahhhh!

I'm a little nervous, of course, but they assure me it's almost the lowest tier you can play. Both of them play a lot of sports, and they feel like I will be fine, but they're on board with helping me  practice more before the games start, so it looks like I'll be getting lots of exercise this week.

I never want to go, but I'm always glad I did. My tennis instructor said if we're gonna play tennis, we shouldn't play anything else, but I am not that serious yet. I'm enjoying all these different things. For one, it feels more like play. You're never going to get me into a gym with machines. Actually, maybe I shouldn't say that. I keep surprising myself. But anyway, I like the variety and finding out the recurring themes: stay on the balls of your feet, watch the ball all the way to the connection, get in front of it, follow through, stop trying to kill it. I was taught how to throw. Let me just have a moment to process that.

I'm tired. We were out there for a couple hours, and the games should only be one, but I found myself saying to Cristine that I needed to start running. Hold the phone- what?

I don't know who I am and what I did with your daughter, your sister, your friend.

What I do know is I have to go get ready for this week, because that's tentatively
Monday: tennis lesson
Tuesday: practice softball
Wednesday: yoga class and tennis lesson
Thursday: practice softball
Friday: see the endocrinologist about the insulin pump, then have C&K over for dinner
Saturday: Superhero beer crawl

Who knows if I'll do all that, but it sure sounds like fun. Also, today was 26 days with no diet soda. Yeaaaahhhhh!!!!