Thursday, January 23, 2014

Long Day

I forgot to tell you that I dipped candles today in Old Town. That was fun.

So after all my roaming adventures today, I went back to pick up Dad and we went cane shopping. He has not graduated to the cane yet, but he'll need it on the plane. I drove him the hour long trip home and we discussed his need for a shorter commute. At home, a beer and a trip to the mailbox was all it took for me to not be able to see straight. I took a nap while Laura spotted Dad on his way upstairs to get him packed for the trip. I woke up to his Rocky victory moves.

"How does it feel to be upstairs?" I asked.


That wore him out, so everyone is crashed by nine. When I closed my eyes earlier, all I saw was road. Let's hope that vision leaves so I can have some rest before tomorrow.

Go Dad!

Museum Inspiration

People were walking by trying to figure out what I was up to.

Balboa Park

After lunch at Ferry Landing, I ate a dark chocolate salted caramel and hopped back on the trolley for a ride to Balboa Park. I didn't have a lot of time, so I decided to spend it at the art museum.

Postcards, Magnets, and Keychains

After I take Dad to work, I'm cut loose for a few hours to wander. Tuesday, I bought crap at Seaport Village. Wednesday, I bought crap at Old Town. Today, Dad bought me a ticket on the trolley, so I'm buying crap all over San Diego. I'm currently awaiting lunch at Ferry Landing, then cruise past Hotel del Coronado to check out Balboa Park because I haven't been there before. I'm having a good time, and I really do adore tour guide humor. Right up my corny humor alley. My lunch just arrived: meatball sliders on garlic knots and zucchini sticks. Oh shit, that's good.

P.S. Selfie taken at Old Town

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fun with PT

Dad loves going to the grocery store. Don't let him fool you. He was having way too much fun driving that thing.

Yesterday we just ran some errands, nothing too exciting. Took a couple naps. Today we're starting early with physical therapy. Everyone in the waiting room has some visibly horrible problem, and I'm sitting here with a Band-aid on my thumb.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Made it here safe

Well, I was going to take her on abo walk, but could you disturb this?

The decision to come down here was made Friday night. I left yesterday at 1 and got here at 11:30 last night. The trip was fine, except for a small chunk of time I went missing in California's version of the Bermuda Triangle, a place appropriately called Lost Hills. I had no cell service and could not tell what direction I was heading. I realized I was heading the wrong way, turned around, then found the exit I had just left, only it should have been on the other side of the road. That was very strange- I normally have a very good sense of direction. I thought I might be in a horror movie. Everything looked the same and I couldn't tell if I remembered it from August or twenty minutes ago. This is the part of a long drive known as despair.

Eventually I got free and made it to Dad's on time. Tracy says it really must have been the Bermuda Triangle, because I didn't lose any time. I should have lost at least an hour.

So Laura's on her way to come pick me up so we can go pick up Dad. For right now, though, the nap swing is singing its siren song.