Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year's Resolutions

Lena had this great idea to keep people's cups straight. She had Mason jar mugs and Sharpies that must have been paint markers and everyone decorated their own.

Ok, so I haven't thought much about resolutions, but here are some things I plan to do in 2015:

Sign up for some classes. There are some affordable cooking classes coming up, plus I want to do actual self-defense or martial arts. I did pretty well going to yoga before the holidays, and in my defense, who goes to yoga on Christmas Eve? I already have yoga stuff in the car for this upcoming Wednesday, and I am enjoying the classes, so I expect I'll keep going.

Walk 30 minutes a day. This means without Riley: actual charging around enough to get my heart rate up, whether outside or on a treadmill or at work.

Make another stab at 30 books.

Incorporate time limits on useless activities.

Spend better time with Riley.


There. I think that's manageable. There are others- a whole list, of course, but those are most important to me.

Time to get ready for... well, the new year.

New Year's Eve

Happy New Year!

Went to a gathering at Lena's house, hung out with awesome people, ate yummy food, played games, and celebrated at midnight with a dog passed out in my lap. (That's Lena behind me, probably about to apologize again for Gidget's horrific gas.)

Sparky read an article that said you're supposed to wear yellow underwear on New Year's for luck, or pink for new love. I don't have yellow, but I was happy to wear pink. Too late, I read the article and found out it's supposed to be NEW underwear. I wore the pink yesterday anyway, but I just happened to have a brand new pair of undies- washed, but not yet worn, so that's what I chose as I got ready to go to the party. They're red. Hopefully that means something scandalous.

I am happy to be sitting on the couch in my pj's today, but am some point I will get up and wander through Kohl's for the next several hours. All I hear right now is warm air moving through my apartment and Riley whuffling around for any missed dog food from her treat ball. It's cold outside, but it's nice in here with an egg sammich and orange slices.

I hope you had a good New Year's Eve, and I hope we all have a fantastic year.