Saturday, July 6, 2013

WTF movie review

I'm at the intermission of Gone with the Wind. Here's my review so far: Fuck this movie.

The "Old South" is described as a "pretty world," where "Gallantry took its last bow." If that's not bad enough, then this introduction goes on to read "Here was the last ever to be seen of Knights and their Ladies Fair, of Master and of Slave... Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered. A Civilization gone with the wind..."

I think most of us are pretty grateful for that.

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Friday, July 5, 2013


I used to sit over there for increasing amounts of time last year, waiting for Chris to come pick me up after work. My day was always over at the same time, but he came later and later until he stopped showing up at all. Most of the time, he wouldn't answer his phone. If he did, he'd say he knew and would be on his way or tell me to find a ride (once everyone was gone) or even take a cab. He didn't always leave me stranded, and occasionally he'd be waiting for me when he was in a hurry to deposit me at home, but I usually sat there waiting. Haven't had to sit there for almost nine months now. I never have to wait to go home after work. Some things are much better.
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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Very mini blog

On my way to bed. Invited myself along with Jenea's family to watch the fireworks because it was starting to feel like a very sad occasion. They welcomed me along for their precision strike on Star Spangled Sparks. In, fireworks, out. Perfect. I was still sad and missing being part of a family or at least a pair, but the show was bright and loud and right over our heads, which I haven't had in years, certainly not on the west side of Tahoe. I got some high speed non-dog walking in and I hung out with people I like. I thought I'd have a problem driving in the out driveway, as I had forgotten my gate card, but someone had already broken the gate, hey! Another win! Now to bed, because I have to go to work tomorrow, but it's a Friday! I am just a winner today.

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Working on it

What is there to be sad about? I got to sleep in and I'm outside with Riley, sitting in the park in the cool shade. I have a day off and Riley and I will hang out, maybe go to the river, do some laundry, watch Harry Potter, and have hot dogs for dinner, fried up in my teal fucking frying pan. We'll go eat outside and maybe even go climb the hill and watch some fireworks. I've got to make this a good day, come hell or high water.

Don't be sad. Make it good.

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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Gone with the Harry Potter 8

I went up to the counter at Blockbuster with Harry Potter 6 and 7 and asked where 8 was.

"We only have that on blu ray."

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"You don't have a blu ray?" was his response.

Does it look or sound like I have a blu ray?

I am going to have to order it through their online service, put it at the top of my queue, sacrifice an online swap, and hope it shows up soon. This is ruining my Harry Potter marathon.

I got Gone with the Wind instead, which doesn't go with Harry Potter at all, which amuses me greatly.

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Just a little extra heartbreak

Last night, while talking to my neighbor in the almost rain, this kid came skateboarding down the sidewalk towards the playground. It was Ant. Not Ant now, but Ant at 9 or 10. It just took my breath. It was like in the movies, seeing a vision of someone who's missing, but it's not them at all.

The sight shook my train of thought and I watched him climb the playground. I could see him contemplate riding his skateboard down the slide.

Suddenly Riley got up from the grass and ran towards the playground. She circled the structure, looking for a way up, and made happy whining noises, and he talked to her from the top of the playground. She thought it was him too.

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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Rain, rain

104 today, but there was a huge thunderstorm. It didn't rain much here, but there was flash flooding downtown by the river and a washout on 80. I was out walking Riley talking with a neighbor when it started to rain. Neither of us moved to get out of the rain- it never rained hard- and Riley sat down in the grass and smelled the air.

I watched The Order of the Phoenix (the fifth in the Harry Potter series), made a lovely dinner from leftovers, and taught Riley to come swat my knee when she wants to go out.

I got two compliments on my shirt today, one of which informed me that this shirt would do well in that better job I'm going to get.

Tomorrow is a Friday, and I'd better post this before the phone dies. It's still a school night anyway.

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