Thursday, June 30, 2011

Feels more like two days.

7am  Get up, go to school, glaze all remaining puzzle pieces, glaze box, make hedgehog.

11am  Go home, eat a sandwich, collect Chris

12pm  Visit potential chiropractor, converse with stylist over texts on hair problems, obtain Diet Pepsi to share, look at items at Metro Pawn, finally mail packages at Post Office, donate items to thrift store (refuse to leave without donation coupon), return screwdriver at Harbor Freight for a better one, drop Chris off at home.

3pm  Lay down to watch Project Runway, take 5 minute nap.

4pm  Sort clothes, eat dinner? midafternoon snack?, go to laundromat.

7pm  Return from laundromat, unload clothes, load dog, drive to river.

8pm  Return from river, unload dog, load grocery bags, drive to Wal-Mart.

9pm  Drive to gas station, redeem Smith's points for 10 cents off per gallon, drive home to meet John, help him carry in one week's worth of belongings, (Don't worry, it's only a visit.  His truck is in for repairs.) help set up his bed, fold laundry, make own bed, put laundry away, realize closet is a mess, refold all pants.

10pm  Drive John to get food, drop him off at Chris's gig, bring Jasmine along for potty break/security.

11pm  Get home, clean kitchen, chop cantaloupe, write blog, pet cat.

12am  Start movie, pass out.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Today I made an earthenware Riley.  Tracy thinks she looks like a giraffe.  So does Chris.  Riley does have long legs, so I guess that means we'll have to add that to the running list of animals she is comprised of: sheep, goat, bat, giraffe.

And yes, thank you, I can see now that her eyes are not positioned right.  I made this in about an hour so I think I did pretty good.  I decided it was going to be as Riley or as not Riley as it ended up- I was not going to stress over it.  I was in a good frame of mind this morning.

I used an air brush for the first time ever and sprayed some puzzle pieces.  I will finish the rest and the box tomorrow.  I will also probably make some random earthenware pieces.  Time is running short- tomorrow is that last day to make new pieces.  The rest of our time will be spent glazing and firing our beautiful artwork.  Then we'll critique it and tear each other to shreds.

This is the puzzle as of last night:

Here are the results of my body wave:

Yeah, I'm not that thrilled either.  I need to find my hair chicky's number and tell her things are not as she promised.

I'm sleepy.  I'm going to go work on the puzzle for a while, then clean the kitchen and go to bed.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ant's Tuna Suicide Salad

Did you know that Subway doesn't serve soup in the summer?

We were going for something soft after Dentist Visit #3 yesterday. He wanted to try to cut up a sandwich but I vetoed that and he went with a salad. That's tuna salad with olives, pickles, tomatoes, parmesan cheese, ranch dressing and sweet onion dressing. We looked horrified but he swore it was fine. Chris tried it but his expression only got worse. Ant's opinion of his suicide salad quickly went downhill. Maybe a minute after this bite he leaned against the window and said,

"Oh no. This salad's going to upset my stomach."
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