Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pretty Girls & Valentine's Day

Why is it that every time the cat jumps up on my desk she walks in front of me and stops when her butt is directly in my face?  I'll tell you why- Catface.  When Garrett was here, his cat, Catface, was in heat.  She was pathetic to listen to and though Solo has been spayed for five years now, she started behaving as if she was in heat after Catface left.  Thanks for you ass, cat, but no thanks.

That's the gross part.  The nice part is that every night she curls up next to me.  She nuzzles me and marches on my side until I pet her.  I have to pet her until she falls asleep, but that doesn't take long.  It makes me so happy when I wake up and find her nestled in next to me.

Riley went to the vet this morning.  She was immediately horrified and stared at me with huge eyes while I checked us in.  She was uninterested in meeting other dogs, even the little boys that she usually adores.  Chris carried her back to see the vet and held her on the table but she was shaking and was like velcro on me.  I had to take over and I was able to calm her down a little.  It's hard because I know how upset she gets and how much she looks to me to save her and it makes my heart burst.  It's hard to be calm because I love to feel that needed.

I made the appointment for a checkup and shots but I also wanted her eyes checked.  Recently I've seen cloudiness there compared to Jasmine's brightness.  I was right, but thankfully it's not cataracts or anything terrible, just more old lady stuff.  The vet said it's normal with age and Riley can see through it just fine.

Miss Molasses has her appointment on Thursday.

I got the best gift ever for Valentine's Day.  Chris got me a giant fluffy towel.  It's beautiful and thick and I can wrap it over my shoulders and it still comes down to my knees.  Love love love.  He also brought me a little rose plant with little blooms in different stages.  :D


  1. I can so relate to your pain having had 2 sections. I hope you start feeling better soon!

  2. That was supposed to be a comment for the long weekend post.
