Thursday, August 25, 2011

3 days left until my last semester...

I got an email yesterday from the Book Arts teacher.  He said that since I took the beginning class in the spring, I did not need to attend the regular class time.  He invited me to meet with him next week to talk about what projects I'd like to work on this semester.

It's a good thing Rachel called tonight because this and other school-related items were making me batty.  I was fully prepared to do more complicated versions of the Book Arts projects and instead I'm essentially getting independent study!  I could start making weird, beautiful little books right away!  This is really interesting news, but I was not completely thrilled by it.  For one, I built my schedule around this class.  If I had known I wouldn't have to actually be there, I might have chosen other classes than what fit around it.  But the registration system would not have let me be in two places at once, so this is probably something I should not fret about.  And this random schedule change does let me work.  I don't plan on working very hard, but I can be there in the back, typing up a storm and ready to lend a hand if needs be.

I should start sketching out some ideas.  I am really excited about the idea of working on my own projects.

Tonight we did laundry and I got a busted dryer.  We were there for three hours instead of our normal two.  There was no time to walk the dogs so I put them each on the treadmill.  Jasmine did fine, but Riley (here's a surprise) spazzed out.  I'm going to continue to try, maybe get them on in the mornings so they have some little bit of exercise before we're gone all day.  Practice makes Olympic champions!

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