Saturday, December 3, 2011

No time.

It's almost 11 and I've got 10 more pages of this Malcolm X chapter to go before I can answer question #12.  14 questions in this lesson, email it in and move on to the last lesson.

The last one is the notebook full of articles relating to race that I've been collecting all semester.  Brief response to each article and I'm already half finished with that.

Monday is the exam and all lessons must be handed in.

Tuesday is printing the pictures I haven't taken yet for the Digital Photography final project, then the American Novel final.  Well, that's not true- I might have 2 or 3 pictures that work out of the 7-8 required.  So almost halfway there.

Wednesday is work and whatever I can accomplish there, plus whatever I can do at home.

Thursday is more printing.

Friday is work and arrival of family.

Saturday is graduation.

Then I go back to class and finish this semester a week and a half later.  Somewhere in there I'll finish 6 projects for Photography, American Novel, Shakespeare, and Book Arts.

What am I doing writing this?  I need to get back to work.

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