Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring Forward, Fall Apart

Hey, remember me?

I have been adjusting to my new job and my new schedule and realizing how frigging fortunate I am.  I have a job that fits my experience, my skills, allows me to help people, and relies on me to be there.  Okay, well they will eventually.  I have great benefits and my starting salary is above the Washoe County average income, making it possible for me to live here.  (That reminds me- congratulations to Loudoun County for being named the Richest County In The Country.  Jesus!)  The people I work with are nice and encourage me to come to them for help.  Every other Thursday is "Kumbaya Class," as one coworker has dubbed it.  That consists of team building exercises.  There were some complaints of how things don't work, but then the conversation shifted into examples of how they had worked together to solve issues in the past.  See why she calls it Kumbaya Class?  It was nice, though.  I left that day feeling like I had won something really awesome.  If all this isn't enough, I can wear jeans.  Now, I am trying to improve my wardrobe and so far I have put together some nice looking outfits that were interesting enough to entertain my inner weirdo.

I'm working on a puzzle tonight- one of maybe five I've done in the past week.  Yes, it is nice to be able to do what I want when I come home and not have to do homework.  Chris had to go into work early today, so Ant and I cleaned out the car and took the dogs for a walk.  He requested French toast for breakfast, but sadly we did not have enough eggs.  We picked up some later, so tomorrow I will make my first attempt ever.  Ant assures me it's easy.  He did his chores and I washed some windows and some clothes.  I made turkey burgers for dinner while Ant read to me about the Golden Age of Athens from his social studies book.  During dinner, he told me that he intended to go scuba diving in the Bermuda Triangle when he's 80.

"Ah, I see, so that you won't miss much in case you disappear there," I said.

"Right," he said.  "Maybe a couple birthdays... and a haircut."

It was SO warm outside today.  Riley sat with me out front while I washed the quail shit off the bay windows, but then she got overheated and went back inside.  She climbed up on the back of the couch and napped in the sunshine and the cross breeze.  I went to steal the Windex back from Ant and Jasmine followed me to the front door.  She had been watching me from the backyard through the hole in the gate and was SO EXCITED when I invited her to come out front with me.  She sat in the Dodge while I cleaned the windows and I opened up the doors so it was breezy and cool.  Jasmine was happy and followed me as I moved around the car, alternating between watching the street and giving me kisses.

So the dirty laundry finally fits in the hamper, but now there's no more room on the counter for dishes.  Earlier I set a glass too close to the edge of the table and it fell off.  The nice thing about a tile floor is that it really shatters glass effectively, distributing shards equally across the kitchen.  My puzzle looks like a 1000 piece smurfing blue nightmare and Ant just watched A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas.  Now that all our progress is sliding backwards, it must be time to set the clocks ahead.  I keep trying to tell myself that it's 10:45 because of daylight savings, but I don't believe me.  I read this great tip to start moving the clock ahead 15 minutes a day for four days before the 11th.  Isn't that a great idea?  I wish I had remembered to do that.  It's a terrible plan to move the clocks ahead tonight because tomorrow will just be weird and we'll still suffer the consequences on Monday.  We should move the clocks ahead on Thursday night so we'll be all messed up on Friday but have the weekend to recover.  See, this is why I should be in charge.

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