Friday, April 20, 2012

Say it with me, now.

What the hell, lunch?  I'm not even done eating yet.

I want internet at home and in order to get that, the ball park must pay Chris today.  Apparently their turdy accountant is dragging his feet weekly with Chris's check.  I'm about to go down there myself- Chris is too nice.  He thinks he's being assertive enough, but he does not have any idea how to nag.  I am a pro, he ought to let me go talk to this guy.  Of course, that's not a good idea but maybe it would inspire them to never want to see me again.  How hard is this?  You work, you get paid.  You don't get paid, you stop showing up to do the work.  Or worse, you look henpecked when your S.O. shows up to berate your boss.  If he doesn't have a check in hand by the time I get off work today, I'm going up there.  Yes, I'm getting paid (on time!) but one paycheck is not enough to support several months of being out of work.  We're still digging out from under some bills and I am going to flip my lid if Chris isn't holding a check when I walk out of here in about an hour.  Big money, no whammies.

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