Monday, September 23, 2013

I impress myself

During one phone call today, a veteran asked me, "Are you that good-lookin' brunette at the front desk?"

"Well, I work in another building," I told him.  "But yes.  Yes, I am."

I also had a pretty intense argument with the vending machine.  I did my insulin math wrong and realized I didn't have enough of a snack for the shot I had just taken, but really, any reason will suffice for Doritos.  The bag got stuck just above the flap and no amount of shaking, kicking, or cursing would pop it loose.  I used my badge to give me a little extra reach with the flap half up and stabbed at the bag for more minutes than I care to admit to, but I got that sucker.  "Damn right," I told that machine, but it was really a draw, because my first plan was to smack the Doritos free with the weight of a Snickers bar, but when I put my dollar in, the change machine made a NKNKNKNKNKN noise and only gave me two dimes and a nickel- no quarters.  I'm so glad no one needed the stairwell during that fiasco.  F you, vending machine.

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