Thursday, January 2, 2014


I keep trying to think about what I want overall, but all I can come up with is that I like taking classes and writing. Some things are totally right, like my apartment, my peace in my environment, and how well I feel I am taking care of my animals. Some things are lacking, like my proximity to loved ones, my hobbies and social life, my job, and the fact that I am only treading water financially.

I liked having a house and a family and I feel like that is definitely part of what I want overall, but that was a welcome distraction from figuring out whatever else I want to do. I know I don't have to have the end goal determined, just a direction, and I would like to actually go for something before I'm ready to retire.

So I'm over here wandering around, wondering what I want. Waiting for something to happen. Waiting to make up my mind.

I feel completely unsettled.

I would love to get this job I applied for because it would really kick things into gear. I am trying hard to remember that if it doesn't work out, there must be a reason. I don't know why I never got called. I don't understand- I got the tour! I called twice! Don't you have to interview me first before you decide you don't want me? :( That would never happen anyway- if you interviewed me, you'd hire me.

Whatever's next will be fine- could we get on with it, please?

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