Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Verbal Vomit

I took a quiz today called What Food Are You?

I got You Are A Burrito, but that's beside the point.  One question asked what I was like in high school and the option that fit me best was messy.  I am still messy.  I came home from my trip to a lovely, clean apartment, but now that I've been back for a day, I've got half unpacked bags, dishes in the sink, and papers everywhere.  To be fair, I suppose that's what it's supposed to be like when you're settling back in, but it feels so much nicer to have things organized.  Earlier, when Petsmart called to tell me Riley was done with her bath, I was already halfway on my way to the laundry room across the complex, needing to switch the loads and I didn't bring my purse with me which meant I had to go back home first and in my rush I was dropping clean, wet laundry on the floor, I thought: I really should do one thing at a time.

But hey- I got two things done tonight and that leaves me free tomorrow to have a nice, relaxing evening at home.  And let's have a big round of applause for my little old goat, who did not poop or pee on the groomer.  She is clean, fluffy, unsmelly, had her ears cleaned, her nails clipped, and her anal glands expressed.  I asked about those, and the groomer said that it's usually just the dogs who get fed table scraps that need it done.  Cue guilty expression.

Now it's Wednesday.


I just RSVPeed to a Meetup with the Introverts group next Saturday!  And unless there's a storm that prevents it, I will go to a different Meetup this Saturday!  omgomgomgomgomgomg

Uh-oh, I just found Dog Friendly Outdoor Adventures and Reno Wednesday Night Book Club.  Their February book is The Saving Graces by Patricia Gaffney.  I think we've read that, Ma and T.  Oh god, Reno Board Games & Beer!  I'm going to need a bigger calendar.

I wish I could remember what the hell I was thinking about on my drive over the mountains on Monday.  I know there was some vague sense of melancholy and motivation.  I am feeling like Incubus songs lately.

Work- granted, only for the past two days- has been much better.  One major thing changed that has given me some peace, and I am no longer irate by 9am.  I still need something else, and that is the major thing that I am displeased with these days.  My trip (good grief, my trip) made me realize that my poor old dog is old.  She was such a trooper, made lots of friends, and did I tell you?  One of Tracy's dancer friends was enamored with Riley and said she was the way a dog should be.  I was so proud, even if I attribute a majority of that to her being old and too tired to misbehave much.  Although, she did steal half of a Balance bar from my purse and destroy the bathroom trash.  She would have certainly gotten into more, had Tracy and I not been so familiar with her habits.  Earlier today, I was giggling at GIFs of cats deliberately knocking things off tables and destroying blinds.  Why is it so much funnier when it's someone else's animal?

Well, it's not going to be funny when Mini knocks her food bowl off the shelf, so I'd better go feed them and figure out what else absolutely has to be done tonight before I turn into an immobile blob on the couch.

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