Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Good Girl

Wow, has it really been that long since I wrote a blog?

One of the few things that I do miss about my old job, aside from the people (okay, some of the people) is browsing BuzzFeed and sending silly things to my friends all day. Clearly, I was hard at work.

Now that I have to focus on juggling at work, I am feeling especially lonely.

I am surrounded by new people at work, and they are wonderful, but I do miss my old people. I am really excited that Shannon is going to come visit me next month, and in June, I am going to go meet up with Tracy and Dad in San Diego. Tonight, I am meeting a friend for a walk on the hill. I am very tired, but it's the kind of tired that would be best alleviated by a walk around the hill. I need to go grocery shopping, but let's see if I actually make it after that walk.

Riley is having a small vacation in Topaz, sitting in the sunshine and giving me a small vacation from walking two dogs. Jasmine starts class this weekend, and needs a shot before that, so she's still with me. We had a minor adventure last night. Solo managed to knock the dowel rod back into the slider track, trapping me out on the balcony. I had my phone, thankfully, so I called Jody to see if she could come let me in. I wanted to try Jody first because Jasmine knows her. She didn't answer, so I had to call the maintenance guy. As he walked up, I warned him that the dog was inside. She had been happily curled up on my bed, but heard me talking to someone and came out to investigate. She came to the slider and seemed confused, then flipped her lid when the front door opened. She ran over and he backed right out the door again, with me calling to her and telling her it was okay. He told her to get back and she did, but she stayed within a foot of him, fur raised and barking some very serious warnings. He came in and walked towards the slider, and she stayed less than a foot from him the whole way. She did not touch him, but she let him know she was ready to if necessary. He pulled the bar out of the track and let me in, and Jasmine escorted him out. He was very kind (and brave) about the situation, saying that she was only doing her job by protecting me. If he was annoyed about having to be pestered at 9 o'clock at night, he didn't show it.

I am grateful that I had my phone and someone to call, but I think I'm going to offer a key to a closer female neighbor that my dogs know. Mostly though, I am so proud of Jasmine. She let him in to do his job,  but she kept her body between him and me. She knew he did not belong, but did not overreact. I could not ask her to do any better, even with voice commands. What if I was not able to speak? We have never gotten to try out her protective nature, and she aced the test.

This situation made me realize why I have her with me. It's not about any feeling of obligation to Chris, or trying to help him out. It's about an obligation to her. She is as much my dog and she is an Square Christmas. Ha ha! I'm writing this through the voice recognition and that was too funny to take out. She is as much my dog as she is Ant's or Chris's. To her, those obligations are clear and instinctive. I feel the same way, but I also feel the need to justify them. She just reminded me that the reasons don't really matter. She is my girl and I am hers, and we will protect each other.

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