Sunday, February 8, 2015

Eat the whole elephant

It's Sunday night, so my brain is wired. I was researching Riley's skin bumps and realizing that she is me and the things she needs are the same things I need. I have all these plans in my mind about how to fix things for both of us. I feel like there's so much in the way, but I don't want to feel like that. I want to just burn through those things, forget about them, ignore them. I want to figure out how I can make a living without being gone so much. I remember reading a book that asked why we look and behave our best for people we don't care about that much, and we are tired and frumpy for the ones we love best- it's backwards. I want to spend my life enjoying my life, and part of that means figuring out how do I bypass the short term in favor of the long term. It was a rough time at work last week, and I spent way too much energy there. It would be much better for me to take this next week and treat it like what it is: a place to meet people, learn, and make money. It is not my priority and it should not occupy my thoughts as much as it does. I'm a little backwards at the moment, but you have to notice it before you can fix it. Noted. Now to fix it all at 10:30 on a Sunday night...

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