Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Picture Tour

1) Living in Nevada has created my appreciation of silhouettes.

2) Love Miss Mini. She is 10- can you believe that?

3) Sim Baby to further horrify Tracy.

4) I met up with Amanda and Natalia on Sunday evening for Mexican food, and afterwards they volunteered to join me in my quest for a tennis racquet and tennis shoes. Here's Amanda with a size 20 shoe. Looks like a freakin' birthday cake, doesn't it?

5) Apparently, fanny packs are making a comeback. Check out this donut one! So great...

6) My sweet girl asleep at my feet.

7 & 8) Went to get my hair cut at the beauty school. My favorite part about going to Marinello is checking out all the heads. These are used for assignments, and everyone gets only 3 or 4, but some people leave theirs behind and they get snapped up. So fun! I'm thrilled with my haircut, and my student stylist was fun to talk to. I'd go back to her. And no, you can't see my haircut until it's washed and I can see what it will actually look like. 

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