Thursday, July 2, 2015

I can't seem to get through Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Thanks to a three day weekend and joining a tennis drill class, I finally made it out for protein and beer after a workout.

That's three days of tennis in really frigging hot weather. What's funny is that as much as I hate the heat, I don't even care. As soon as I leave the courts, I'm griping again, but it doesn't seem to matter when I play. That's some confirmation that I'm onto something, huh?

You know what I'm cranky about lately? That there's not enough time for tv. Isn't that a weird complaint? I want to lay around and watch a movie or a Ken Burns documentary, but I just don't have that kind of time. I'm sad, and I miss it, but I like the other things more. I have decided that I'm losing weight, and a friend did tell me that unprompted, but I feel like it just has to be the case. Sean said to remember that I'm building muscle, and not to be dismayed if the number isn't drastically different. I think it must be different though... I have decided it.

Today was 16 days with no diet soda.

I have a blog in progress to tell you about my night out and paddle boarding. For now, though, I've gotten my post tennis beer and protein. It's time to go home, walk the dogs, and pass out in front of a movie.

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