Sunday, October 30, 2016

Photo blog

Tracy said I didn't post a picture of the sensor, so here it is. The receiver is the clamshell looking thing, and the sensor is what it's attached to. What looks like a cord is just a wrinkle in the adhesive. And that adhesive is some serious stuff. I wanted to stab myself in the eyeballs when it came time to pull that off. Anyway, it's very discreet, right? Understanding how much of a pain in the ass this is should really help to illustrate how helpful it must be.

Sardine socks at H&M! Sardine socks that I actually didn't buy, can you believe that?

This is my new puzzle, and while I do think it looks pretty, this photo is more of a pointed look at the previous owner.

We've been having all these crazy storms and lots of rain and it's amazing I get anywhere with all the earthworm rescuing I've been doing, but Friday it was so pretty out with all these clouds getting tangled up on the mountains and the colors everywhere were just brilliant.

Speaking of colors, here are some of the peppers for sale at Lattin Farms. I went out there with friends to do the corn maze, which was amazing.

We started the maze just as it was getting dark, and it was so much fun. You could see just in front of you- enough to tell where the corn was and where the path was, and sometimes there was enough light to see where the mud was. Otherwise you had to listen for the squelch of someone else's shoes or sink in it yourself. I'm sure if there were less people there and I was touring the maze myself, I would be having visions of Signs, but instead it was just really fun with the slightest touch of creepy, so we had fun trying to scare each other. The corn was tall in most of the maze, and it was big and disorienting, with lots of loops. We could only tell if we were at the edge by the lack of corn in the distance, and no one had any idea where we were going. Different people led the way, and steered by interest alone. I led for a while, and rarely has it felt that free and easy to make a decision. By far, my favorite part was looking up. The silhouettes of the tops of the corn created a new horizon, and above that were only stars. 

I do not think this was the shape of the maze, but it certainly could have been, for all I could tell. I have a reasonable sense of direction, but that seemed useless for everyone. I did stand here and study this for a while, but determined that it is not an accurate rendering. We did get a map, but no one bothered with it.

We had just collected everyone at this point when I was taking pictures of all the weird vegetables I could find in the remaining light. 

I was fascinated by the pumpkin tree. Four sides, probably 10-12 feet wide at the bottom, and completely loaded with carved pumpkins. I didn't get to wander around as much as I would have liked before it got dark, but I intend to make this a yearly tradition. It was so neat.

My parting gift. Thank you, Lattin Farms!

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