Sunday, January 29, 2017

Rolling with the lunches

Went to a friend's house last night for dinner. I had volunteered to bring cheese, because my grocery store has a huge cheese section in the deli, and they wrap up smaller chunks of fancy cheese, which is really smart. I've been waiting for a chance to try use that information.

The cheese was a hit, partially because I brought so many kinds. As I was giggling with Tracy about, I understand the cheese to be sorted into one of the following three groups: hard, squishy, and orange. Tracy understands them as stinky and less stinky. I did Google the actual categories, but it didn't help me much. It didn't matter much, and the leftovers found quick homes.

We ate a delicious dinner and played a rough game of Scrabble. Then I came home and finished my puzzle. Today I was supposed to meet a friend, but she did not show up. That sucks, but I did eat a lovely meal and tried a black lager and chimichurri, which I also had to Google.

I did (plain) yoga yesterday and today and I'm looking forward to February, when I start tracking exercise. I'm gonna fill that damn calendar! 

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