Monday, June 19, 2017

An athlete is as an athlete does

Another late kickball game tonight. We lost 17-4, but hey, we got 4! We got 3 in the last game, so we're doing better and better. We do suck, but to be fair, less than half of our team usually shows up to practice and the other teams are skirting the rules by having only three girls- and almost all the girls bunt.

I did not make it on base this time. I was kicking the shit out of the ball yesterday, and my shin muscles (didn't know where those were before) hurt so bad today that I had to slow my friend down on our walk and even stop for a bit. I wear my sporty self out at practice.

I did have a little too much zest for my first kick today and lost my balance. I was going for a surprise, since everyone comes way in on the girls' kicks. Amanda said I was holding back, and maybe my shin didn't want to play anymore. I booted it on the next one, but between first and second, and was thrown out.

I have a couple simple goals for kickball like I did for softball. I have made it to third, but not home yet, and I need to catch a ball and get some jock out. Nataliia took out their first baseman tonight. He was on the orange bag, so he earned it, but she didn't stop and took him right down. It was hilarious.

Today on our walk, I said something to my friend about kickball and she said, "You do fun things!" I'm all mad that I'm not an amazing athlete, I'm mad that people don't show, I'm mad that other teams take advantage, I'm mad that this stupid ump admits he can't see without the glasses he doesn't wear, but I have to remind myself that I am doing something fun- even when it's hard. I'm proud of myself for being unsure and uncomfortable and unfashionable and doing it anyway! It's funny how lots of things I need to improve on are wrapped up in this ridiculous game. Could I have picked a more fun avenue for self-improvement? There were lots of old lessons to be relearned tonight- one of which was hydrogen peroxide BURNS OH GOD IT BUURRNNNSS, but the more it burned, the louder I laughed. There's something to be said for that.

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