Tuesday, September 5, 2017

My precious

I just dropped Gus Gus off at the vet. I feel like an asshole. He has to spend the whole day there so he can have his glucose checked throughout the day. I feel like he's going to think his little world is ending.
I have no plans to go anywhere tonight so that I can make sure I can cuddle him and assure him that he now lives with me. This made me realize I need to adopt this little turkey.
I gave myself a little extra time after dropping him off so I could get breakfast. I thought I should be kind to my wallet and my carb count, so I decided to hit McDonald's instead of a sit-down meal. I was very excited about an Egg McMuffin because I rarely get them, and my carb lover's heart cried out, "Ooh, hash brown!" I proceeded to argue with myself: You don't need any damn hash browns. You can have a piece of fruit when you get home. Now, do you want an Egg McMuffin or an Egg White Delight? That's got white cheddar! All surly, my inner Samwise gamgee muttered "po-ta-to."

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