Thursday, June 28, 2018

Stay tuned

Well hello!

I haven't been feeling real bloggy lately, so it's exciting to be drawn back here... and of course, Mini is yowling at my feet, asking to be picked up and loved on. I love you, kitty cat, but you're gonna have to wait a minute.

I just had my... fifth? sixth? consecutive Thursday meeting with Ant. He's doing well, and it's good to see him regularly enough to know what's going on in his life. Last Thursday I was off and had no appointments, so we went to breakfast and thrift store shopping, which we hadn't done together in YEARS. He found an alarm clock, a few t-shirts, a framed Einstein picture, and a giant cardboard cutout of a box of popcorn. I found a couple shirts and... several puzzles.

Tonight we went to dinner (I keep meaning to cook, but my weekdays are a mess) and then hit Winco. I needed to go, and he was low on groceries, so I bought him some milk and cereal, bananas, baby carrots, taquitos, and sent him home with half a container of strawberries and half a container of grape tomatoes, since I love both, but never finish a whole container by myself. He helped me pick out crackers for a diabetic get together this weekend, and when we got in line, he went right to the end while I paid. He was trying to organize the groceries into the bags, and he laughed when I was done before he was, saying he was out of practice.

I brought him back here for a minute so I could split the produce and pick up Gus, and Ant found the cat butt tissue holders. He was thrilled and made a Snapchat video of him pulling tissues out and ripping them in the process, because much like with Rudy the Easter Island head tissue box on my wall, you have to be gentle pulling tissues out of a novelty container. A friend responded quickly, asking where the hell Ant got that thing. "It's Jenny's," Ant told him, as this was an old friend from the last couple years before Chris and I split up. "Of course it is," the friend replied, and I cackled.

So I have not been feeling bloggy or particularly good lately- I neglected some medication for a while that I actually need to keep me and my blood sugar level, and I forgot that, which made Night Bus crazy. "How can you forget to take something like that?!?" he asked. Well... I don't really know how to defend it, because I know I have been told of its importance before. It just gets downgraded in my head after a while, so I have to come up with ways of remembering that it's important. Night Bus just sputtered over that statement, and I pointed out that this is one of the many ways I am going to keep a smart guy like him intrigued. Just TRY to follow my train of thought. I will baffle you!

But I am routinely rotating out my morning and night pill containers just how my inner old man druthers, and while I am still tired and saggy, I am more often able to complete an evening without napping on the couch. I'm not doing a whole lot of exercising, but I walk a lot, and I feel confident that my bursts of energy will return. Sarah's been feeding me leftovers for lunch a lot lately, and we eat lots of veggies and low carby things, and I have been eating lots of salad at home.

I'm currently listening to Silent Child, by Sarah A. Denzil, which is apparently an Audible exclusive, and I swear this is not an ad. It's interesting to me, because I started the year reading a lot of books, and suddenly stopped. This is the first one I'm starting up with again, and I love listening to books. I feel so ADD sometimes, and I was always liked coloring while watching a movie. I do enjoy sitting down to read too, but it is nice to walk Gus and listen to a story or be in another place while washing the dishes. So I'm about halfway through this book. It's a thriller, which I don't normally read, but even though I feel like it's pretty clear what's coming, I am still hooked. Maybe I am supposed to feel like it's clear. Regardless, it feels really nice to be caught up in a book again. I will burn right through this one, and I bet I have a small pile of credits now, plus I signed up for the public library app and can borrow books through them for free.

Tomorrow is game night with friends, Saturday there's that diabeetus meetup organized by that person I met in Winco, and Los Lobos is playing at an outdoor park this Sunday night to kick off Artown. Will I go?

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