Tuesday, February 8, 2011


It's cold in here, I have to REDO homework from a week ago, I can't find my coupon book, and I really want to eat dinner now.

On the other hand, I did a group presentation today that went very well.  I think I told you that I volunteered to go first so I could get it out of the way?  Well

Jesus.  What is it that I'm always saying to Ant?

"Never leave the kitchen while you're cooking."

Oh yeah.  Well, it will be brown rice.  Textured brown rice.

So Jennyway, my job was to research the author's life and while my part was a LOT less formal than my group members, the teacher complimented me.  Woo hoo!  And now its done.  Not even a month into the spring semester and that project is done.  Go me.

My New Year's resolution to read one non school-related book per month is grinding to a halt- I am busy reading school stuff.  Poo.

My first art history exam is on Monday and I AM UNPREPARED!  GAAAGGHHH!

I was just reviewing my syllabus for the turdy proposal writing class and saw that the teacher scheduled class on the President's Day holiday.  Ha ha.

Oh and in more smarty pants news, I stayed late on Monday in the book making class to set up the three lines of type in the last typography exercise.  Everyone else ran out as soon as the teacher said to start cleaning up but I couldn't resist trying to get ahead.  He said it was fine and even left me there to finish.  I was only sacrificing break time so I chugged along until I set the whole thing.  I put it all away when I was done and checked the clock on my way out.  11:47.  I was leaving two minutes late.  All that and a bag of chips.  (I wish.  Chips sound good.)

So between getting ahead (probably not that impressive) and doing well on my presentation I'm feeling like I could just swat the stars down if I so desired.  But I just spent a half hour on the phone answering questions and setting up an intake at UNR's Psychological Service Center.  They have this "Mindfulness-Based Program for Chronic Anxiety and Worry" and the flier sounds like they created this program for me.  It is "an eight-week workshop based upon Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, or MBSR."  There is too much for me to describe here but the goal is to learn to "respond wisely, instead of automatically, to whatever life throws our way."  I had to answer questions and explain why I thought I would be a good candidate for this workshop and as a result of listing my issues, put myself into a less secure state than I had been in when I got home.

My biggest concern about this workshop was not whether it would work, but if it would work with my schedule.  It starts in March on Thursday nights.  I can do it- and I think I should.  Maybe I think I don't have enough to do.  :D

I got an e-mail about this new group starting at the counseling center where Chris and I go- it's for "non-traditional" students, "those students who are returning to school after an absence of several years or more, transitioning from community college, juggling school & family responsibilities, sometimes quite a bit older (over 25) or otherwise finding themselves not quite the “typical” college student and perhaps able to benefit from connecting with other students dealing with similar issues."

Hmm, good idea.  I would love to go but I'm too busy juggling school & family responsibilities.

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