Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cat food is not appetizing.

I'm really hungry and we don't have any snacks.  I'm pretty sure that means I need to go get a cheeseburger.

I have to write up two proposals tonight, one for my individual project in the proposal writing class and one for my book in the book arts class.  I've decided I'm going to "apply to grad school" since the other options are to find a need in the community and I may eventually end up going to grad school anyway.  For book arts I think I'll turn in a proposal for the kitty litter cake since I don't know what else to do.  That will give me a couple weeks before the mock up is due for me to figure out what I'm really doing.  The last thing I have to do is type up the artists and titles for what we're covering tomorrow in art history.  I've found that it's hard to take notes about a painting with a French or German artist.  I get home and I'm like, "Who's nzhxheishxldhjeer?"  Plus my handwriting is back to atrocious so I need to limit as much of it as possible.

Actually, that's not the last thing.  I also have to practice the body scan for the mindfulness class.  "I can do the exercises every day," I thought.  Yes, it requires some schedule juggling, but I'm finding the biggest problem is that I really hate doing it.  That's why I'm writing the blog now- I'm avoiding the exercise.  I have to lie still for 45 minutes and not fall asleep.  My mind wanders constantly and I would so much rather being doing anything else.  Chris tried it with me last night and immediately fell asleep.  Then Jasmine crept up on the bed, curled up on my elbow and kissed us both.  I almost made it to the end of the cd before I gave up and turned on a movie.  On my walk I kept reminding myself that if I do it now I won't have to do it tonight and can write my proposals instead!  That's a sad state of affairs, no?

Ooooooookay, I'll go find something to munch on for now and go get this thing over with... I mean, practice mindfulness in a calming and nurturing environment.

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