Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I'll admit it, I don't have a clear understanding of irony.  Yeah, I might be an English major but at least I'm not writing papers about it.  (Or songs, Alanis.)  I keep calling Tracy up and posing examples to her.  "Nooo..." she says.  Today I think I finally found one.  I'm waiting for confirmation, but if it works, I'll share it.  Because it's fuuuuunnny.

Today has been a good day.  Well, except for lunch.

I started off being late to Book Arts, but that's not abnormal.  I sat down to scribble out my book proposal and what I thought would be a place holder might turn into my real project.  I wish I had another idea that was as coherent as the Kitty Litter Cake but I have to have the mock up done soon.  I have come up with cool elements for other ideas, but with the cat litter thing I pretty much have the whole project figured out.  I have neat ideas that I feel like I can execute well, so I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles.  Hey- that's ironic because there are cookie crumbs in the recipe so... no?  Ah, damn.

I spent the rest of the class setting type for the center of my French fold.  I'm scheduled to print with my partner on Friday so today's class time was all I had, but I got it done!  A couple people complimented my project so I'm excited about that.  I think I'll still have a bit of rearranging to do but I'll create a mock up tomorrow and see how it looks.  One crazy part about printing is that your eyes are useless without a proof.  You cannot get any sense of what it looks like without printing out a test copy.  I must have done 7 or 8 proofs just today and it's still not right.  I ran a couple final copies to cut out and play with at home so Friday I can fix it and print.

During my break I finished another essay in The Devil and Sherlock Holmes, my March book.  I read two more today and that leaves four, I think.  I might actually finish the book tomorrow.

In Proposal Writing, we discussed the project that most everyone is choosing: applying to grad school.  The teacher had a lot to say on the topic, which affected my opinion.  It was an interesting class (for once) and I left in serious contemplation.

For lunch I had already decided on the little Pizza Hut stand in the student services building.  I grabbed "Cheese" thinking only of the beautiful tiny browned cheese circles on the personal pan pizzas and when I got to my table I was horrified to find some crusty looking thing with dried cheese sprinkled on top.  It had a different kind of cheese that had oozed its way out the side, but that was also now dried.  Ew.  I tried to tell myself to get up, tell them the Make-A-New-One-By time had expired... but instead I ate it.  It was gross.  The crust was hard and crunchy- burned bread crunchy.  The cheese did something slimy to the inside of the bread so instead of enjoying the loveliness of bread and cheese there was something yeasty in there... oh, it was gross.  The name of it was scribbled on the box, but I was so busy salivating I didn't see that until it was too late.  After much squinting and huh faces I determined that I had eaten a Pzone, something I had only heard of, never experienced.  That's not what was written on the box, though.  The box said Pnone and I would have to agree with that assessment.

But whatever, I ate it and I didn't die.  I spent the next two hours studying Art History.  (I only capitalize classes when I'm taking them seriously.  It's about time, what is there- five weeks left?)  I brought my typed outline from home and filled in important things about each artist as I read.  What a good Jenny.  And you're right, Tracy, that big break in between classes is the most time I ever get to study.

In class, I followed the lecture and took more notes.  I was seriously losing patience with fifteen minutes left to go but I hung on and tomorrow I will type up my notes and reread the chapter.  At least, that's what I'm saying now.  I will probably not be capitalizing class titles tomorrow.

I just ate an equally craptastic dinner but tomorrow is another day (with a plan to go to the grocery store).  Tonight all I have to do is organize stuff to take to work tomorrow.  I slept like shit last night so I'm not assigning myself too much to do.  I have the weekend and everything is under control.  I should enjoy that while it lasts.

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