Monday, May 9, 2011

Where did that come from?

I just barfed.  That sucked.

My proposal writing classmate said she just got a nastygram from the teacher- her project was also deemed insufficient.  Hmm.  Anyone else sensing some faulty communication?  If a student turned in 1/6 of a rough draft, wouldn't that set off alarm bells?  Wouldn't you, as the teacher, say something clear and warning like, "Where is the rest of it?"  Or "You do know this needs to be 5-7 pages, right?"  Telling me you didn't bother to use my rubric tells me... that you didn't use my rubric.  I wonder what coded message she gave my classmate, if any.  Jeez, what gives?

It is snowing in Reno today.  I am kind of thrilled by this, but I'm trying to keep my enthusiasm to a minimum since no one else finds this awesome.

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